Der Generalbundesanwalt beim Bundesgerichtshof (GBA)

GBA: A Suspected Member of the Foreign Terrorist Organisation 'Hizb Allah' (Hezbollah) Arrested

15.07.2024 – 16:05

Karlsruhe (ots)

Yesterday (14 July 2024), the Federal Public Prosecutor's Office had agents of the Federal Criminal Police Office provisionally arrest

the Lebanese national Fadel Z.

in Salzgitter. Today (15 July 2024), the suspect was brought before the Investigating Judge at the Federal Court of Justice who issued and executed the arrest warrant.

Fadel Z. is strongly suspected of membership of a foreign terrorist organization (section 129a para. 1 no. 1 of the German Criminal Code [StGB], section 129b para. 1 sentences 1 and 2 StGB).

Essentially, the arrest warrant against the suspect sets out the following criminal charges:

Hizb Allah ('Party of God', also: 'Hezbollah' or 'Hizbollah') is an organisation with a militant Islamist orientation, which strives to fight against Israel and free Lebanon from western influences. The organisation is over 20,000 trained fighters strong and has evolved into an established force within Lebanon's political system. Hizb Allah also regards terrorist attacks on civilians as a legitimate means in its fight. Numerous assassinations and bomb attacks, especially against Israeli nationals and entities, have been attributed to the organisation. Moreover, Hizb Allah openly supports other organisations in their fight against Israel.

Fadel Z. joined Hizb Allah as a member in Lebanon no later than in summer 2016. Acting on the orders of the organisation, he procured components, particularly engines, for the assembly of drones. They were supposed to be exported to Lebanon and used in terrorist attacks on Israel.

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Der Generalbundesanwalt beim Bundesgerichtshof (GBA)
Dr. Ines Peterson
Staatsanwältin beim BGH
Brauerstr. 30
76135 Karlsruhe
Telefon: 0721 8191-4100
Fax: 0721 8191-8492

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