Der Generalbundesanwalt beim Bundesgerichtshof (GBA)
GBA: Indictment Filed for Aiding and Abetting the Formation of a Terrorist Organisation ('Gruppe S.') and Financing of Terrorism
Karlsruhe (ots)
On 2 January 2025, the Federal Public Prosecutor's Office filed charges against the German national
Marion G.
before the State Security Chamber of the Stuttgart Higher Regional Court.
There are sufficient grounds to suspect the accused of having aided and betting the formation of a terrorist organisation (section 129a para. 1 no. 1, para. 4, section 27 of the German Criminal Code [StGB]). She is also charged with financing terrorism (section 89c para. 1 no. 1, para. 2 of the StGB).
In essence, the indictment sets out the following facts:
Marion G. adheres to a right-wing extremist and xenophobic ideology. She was in contact with Werner S., who was prosecuted in separate proceedings, since no later than July 2019. He and other individuals formed a right-wing terrorist organisation ('Gruppe S.') in February 2020 with the objective to cause a civil war-like situation in Germany by means of terrorist attacks against mosques and persons of Muslim faith. The accused approved of Werner S.'s plot and repeatedly facilitated contact between him and potential recruits for the organisation. Until May 2021, Marion G. also had two sports bows and 23 arrows at the ready to attack asylum seekers.
On 4 November 2020, the Federal Public Prosecutor's Office filed charges against Werner S. and other suspected members and supporters of the terrorist organisation before the Stuttgart Higher Regional Court (see Press Release No. 47 of 13 November 2020). On 30 November 2023, the Stuttgart Higher Regional Court convicted ten defendants, among them Werner S., of forming a terrorist organisation (as a ringleader) and membership or support of a terrorist organisation. Another defendant was acquitted. The convicted defendants appealed the ruling; in two cases, the legal remedy was repealed.
Marion G. is not in pre-trial detention.
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Der Generalbundesanwalt beim Bundesgerichtshof (GBA)
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Brauerstr. 30
76135 Karlsruhe
Telefon: 0721 8191-4100
Fax: 0721 8191-8492
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