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Der Generalbundesanwalt beim Bundesgerichtshof (GBA)

GBA: Indictment Filed Against Two Suspected Members of the Foreign Terrorist Organisation 'Islamic State', Among Others, on Counts of War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity

Karlsruhe (ots)

On 20 December 2024, the Federal Public Prosecutor's Office filed charges against the Syrian nationals

Khalil A. and

Faiz Al S.

before the State Security Chamber of the Stuttgart Higher Regional Court.

There are sufficient grounds to suspect the accused of membership in a foreign terrorist organisation (section 129a para. 1 no. 1 of the German Criminal Code [StGB], section 129b para. 1 sentences 1 and 2 StGB). They are furthermore charged with war crimes against persons (section 8 para. 1 no. 3 of the German Code of Crimes against International Law [VStGB]) and crimes against humanity (section 7 para. 1 nos. 5 and 9 VStGB). The acts partially constitute the criminal offence of jointly inflicted dangerous bodily harm (section 223 para. 1, section 224 para. 1 nos. 2 and 4, section 25 para. 2 StGB). Khalil A. is likewise accused of armed theft (section 242 para. 1, section 244 para. 1 no. 1 lit. a StGB).

In essence, the indictment sets out the following facts:

The accused joined the foreign terrorist organisation 'Islamic State' in the Syrian province of Deir ez-Zor no later than August 2014. At the time, the organisation had just seized power by force in the city of Abu Hardub as well as in the towns of Abu Hammam, Gharanij and Kishkiya, which were inhabited by the Al-Shu'uaitat tribe. Khalil A., in tandem with other fighters of the 'Islamic State', participated in armed patrols in the occupied area, trained fighters was - just like Faiz Al S. - part of an armed arrest unit. Faiz Al S. also occupied a senior position within the 'Islamic State's' religious police (Hisba).

In August or September 2014, Khalil A. and Faiz Al S.'s unit arrested at least two suspected opponents of the 'Islamic State' and took them away in shackles. Khalil A. selected the victims. In a separate case, he handed a detainee over to the Hisba and kept the victim's private vehicle for himself. In a third incident, the two accused hit a resident of Abu Hardub with a cable because his wife was not sufficiently veiled. They subsequently abducted the man for one week. While the victim was captured, he was hung from the ceiling with his hands tied behind his back and repeatedly beaten by Khalil A. with a whip or a similar tool.

On 11 March 2024, the accused were taken into custody and have since been in pre-trial detention (see Press Release No. 7 of 12 March 2024).

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Der Generalbundesanwalt beim Bundesgerichtshof (GBA)
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