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Flughafen Wien AG

  • 13.04.2000 – 09:37

    ots Ad hoc-Service: Flughafen Wien AG <AT0000911805> 1999 Result

    Vienna (ots Ad hoc-Service) - Vienna International Airport Financial results for the twelve months to 31 December 1999 Record profits for the second consecutive year After record results in 1998, Vienna International Airport announces a further year of record profit. The members of the Management Board, Herbert Kaufmann, Gerhard Schmid and Kurt Waniek, today presented the results to press and analysts in Vienna, ...

  • 19.01.2000 – 10:36

    ots Ad hoc-Service: Flughafen Wien AG <AT0000911805> Traffic 199

    Vienna (ots Ad hoc-Service) - Vienna International Airport Traffic Development on Target: 5.3% increase in passenger numbers during 1999 Herbert Kaufmann, member of the Managing Board and Speaker of the publicly traded Flughafen Wien AG, presented the airport's traffic figures for the calendar year 1999 to a press conference held in Vienna on January 19, 2000. Traffic at Vienna International Airport for the ...