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  • 21.08.2000 – 07:51

    ots Ad hoc-Service: Plambeck Neue Energien <DE0006910300>

    Für den Inhalt ist allein der Emittent verantwortlich Cuxhaven (ots Ad hoc-Service) - Die in allen Bereichen der Stromerzeugung aus erneuerbaren Energien sowie in Service und Handel tätige Plambeck Neue Energien AG hat im ersten Halbjahr 2000 einen Umsatz von 48,9 Mio DM (Vorjahreszeitraum: 19,1 Mio DM) erzielt. Damit erhöhte sich der Umsatz gegenüber dem Vergleichszeitraum um 155 Prozent. Das ...

  • 21.08.2000 – 07:49

    ots Ad hoc-Service: Plambeck Neue Energien <DE0006910300>

    Cuxhaven (ots Ad hoc-Service) - The company Plambeck Neue Energien AG doing business in all fields of power generation from renewable energy sources as well as in service and trade, achieved a sales revenue amounting to DM 48.9 million German marks (previous year: DM 19.1 million German marks) in the first six months of this year. This indicates an increase of 155% compared to the first six months of 1999. The ...

  • 25.02.2000 – 17:33

    ots Ad hoc-Service: Plambeck Neue Energien <DE0006910300>

    Cuxhaven (ots Ad hoc-Service) - Excellent perspectives after enactment of the EEG Today the German parliament successfully enacted the "Law for the priority of renewable energies" (EEG). The new laws goal is to make a contribution to the environment protection by supporting power generation from renewable sources. This legally founds the goal set by the European Union and the Federal Republic of Germany to ...