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TravelTrex GmbH

10 tips for a safe ski holiday

Cologne (ots)

Security has top priority! To enjoy an untroubled ski holiday there are a number of things to consider, from thorough preparations to right behaviour on the slopes. SnowTrex has listed the top 10 tips for a safe ski holiday.

1.  Preparation: Thanks' to a detailed packing list you will not 
    forget anything, double-check your equipment and be well-    
    prepared before you leave.    
2.  Fitness and self-assessment: Train your personal stamina  
    beforehand and warm up thoroughly before hitting the slopes -   
    and then be considerate of other riders.    
3.  FIS piste rules: These 10 golden rules should be known to all   
    riders on the slopes!    
4.  Helmet obligation: Today a ski helmet is part of the general     
    equipment stock, just like goggles and ski poles.    
5.  Secure equipment: Almost every fifth accident is due to failure  
    in equipment. Up-to-date equipment and good service ensure a safe
6.  Body protection: For freestylers and freeriders protectors for   
    the back, hands and joints should always be a part of the 
7.  Insurance: Be prepared against illness, breakage or theft - and
    enjoy your holiday all the more.    
8.  Alcohol consumption: Drunk on the piste? Absolutely No!    
9.  Piste emergency number: 140, 118, 15 - which number for which    
10. Safe on the go: Avalanche risk, avalanche equipment, respect    
    for nature - what else?

A more detailed version of security tips by SnowTrex can be found here:

TravelTrex is one of Europe's leading winter sports holiday specialists and offers attractive ski trips to over 20 destination countries via their website, which is available in 15 languages. More information about TravelTrex can be found here:

For further information and printable images please contact:

ravelTrex GmbH
Selina Sauerland
Phone: +44 20 336 533 13

Original content of: TravelTrex GmbH, transmitted by news aktuell

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