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"Hellmann Smart QR" digitizes passive data tracking

"Hellmann Smart QR" digitizes passive data tracking
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"Hellmann Smart QR" digitizes passive data tracking

Osnabrueck, November 30, 2022. The monitoring and transparency of global supply chains are becoming increasingly important. This is where Hellmann Worldwide Logistics and Finnish startup Logmore come in the picture: Jointly, they are launching a passive dynamic QR data tracker named "Hellmann Smart QR". It measures temperature, humidity, light as well as shocks and generates a new QR code with each measurement, which is displayed on the device and can be downloaded via cell phone camera upon cargo arrival. By integrating this additional data into the already established platform-based Hellmann tracking systems SmartAir! and Smart Ocean, each deviation can be directly associated with a specific point in the cargo’s journey.

"Hellmann Smart QR" enables cost-efficient and user-friendly visibility along the entire supply chain for sensitive cargo such as perishable goods or pharmaceuticals. With the help of push notifications, deviations become visible at a single glance and available directly after scanning both via cell phone or the cloud-based platforms SmartAir! and Smart Ocean. This makes it easy to track and assign responsibilities within the supply chain.

"With the integration of "Hellmann Smart QR" into our existing digital tracking platforms, the passive data trackers already used millions of times are for the first time combined with a real-time solution: Through this new tool and its passive data tracking, we achieve an equally efficient but more cost-effective solution compared to active tracking systems. At the same time, the new tool generates tracking data up to 95 percent faster than other passive trackers," says Stefan Borggreve, Chief Digital Officer, Hellmann Worldwide Logistics.

In November 2022, Hellmann acquired the rights to the exclusive distribution of the hardware developed by Logmore in New Zealand, Australia, South Africa and Mexico, making it the responsible local product contact.

“Not only our very strong international logistics network, but also our Smart Solution product portfolio provides the perfect framework for the new Smart QR System. With "Smart QR", Hellmann establishes a unique data link between system environments which provides our customers with comprehensive transparency along the entire transport chain," adds Henning Pottharst, Product Manager Smart Solutions, Hellmann Worldwide Logistics.

Hellmann Worldwide Logistics

Since its foundation more than 150 years ago, Hellmann Worldwide Logistics has developed into one of the major international logistics providers. With more than 12,300 employees*, the company operates in 60 countries and, in 2021, generated sales of around EUR 4 billion. The range of services includes classic forwarding services by truck, rail, air and sea freight as well as an extensive range of CEP services, contract logistics, industry and IT solutions.

Christiane Brüning
Head of Global Corporate Communications
Elbestraße 1/ 49090 Osnabrück
Tel.: +49 - (0) 151/2034 0316

Thinking Ahead - Moving Forward

Handelsregister / Commercial Register Osnabrueck HRA 3760
Komplementärin / General Partner: Hellmann Verwaltungs SE
Handelsregister / Commercial Register Osnabrueck HRB 212008

Vorstand / Managing Directors: Reiner Heiken, Martin Eberle, Jens Wollesen
Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats der Hellmann Verwaltungs SE / Chairman of the Supervisory Board: Dr. Thomas Lieb
USt-IdNr. / V.A.T. Id. no.: DE 11 76 59 402
Wir arbeiten ausschließlich auf Grundlage der Allgemeinen Deutschen Spediteurbedingungen 2017 – ADSp 2017 – und – soweit diese für die Erbringung logistischer (Zusatz-) Leistungen nicht gelten – nach den Logistik-AGB, Stand März 2006. Hinweis: Die ADSp 2017 weichen in Ziffer 23 hinsichtlich des Haftungshöchstbetrages für Güterschäden (§ 431 HGB) vom Gesetz ab, indem sie die Haftung bei multimodalen Transporten unter Einschluss einer Seebeförderung und bei unbekanntem Schadenort auf 2 SZR/kg und im Übrigen die Regelhaftung von 8,33 SZR/kg zusätzlich auf 1,25 Millionen Euro je Schadenfall sowie 2,5 Millionen Euro je Schadenereignis, mindestens aber 2 SZR/kg, beschränken. Die ADSp 2017 können Sie unter abrufen, die Logistik-AGB 2006 unter

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We operate exclusively in accordance with the German Freight Forwarders' Standard Terms and Conditions 2017 (Allgemeine Deutsche Spediteurbedingungen 2017 – ADSp 2017) and – if they do not apply for performing (supplementary) logistics services – with the General Terms and Conditions of Logistics-Services Providers (Logistik-AGB), as of March 2006. Note: In clause 23 the ADSp 2017 deviate from the statutory liability limitation in section 431 of the German Commercial Code (HGB) by limiting the liability for multimodal transportation with the involvement of sea carriage and an unknown damage place to 2 SDR/kg and, for the rest, the customary liability limitation of 8.33 SDR/kg additionally to Euro 1.25 million per damage case and EUR 2.5 million per damage event, but not less than 2 SDR/kg. You can find the ADSp 2017 here: and the Logistik-AGB 2006 here:
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