Ad-hoc: Further procedure of the Supervisory Board regarding the future personnel structure of the Executive Board of Aurubis AG
One document
Further procedure of the Supervisory Board regarding the future personnel structure of the Executive Board of Aurubis AG
Hamburg, December 19, 2023 – At the meeting of the Supervisory Board on December 19, 2023, the Supervisory Board discussed Executive Board matters in detail. Decisions were not taken. The Supervisory Board intends to await the results of the investigation that it has commissioned by the law firm Hengeler Mueller regarding the responsibility of the Executive Board in context with the known criminal offences to the detriment of the company. The investigation report of Hengeler Mueller is expected for mid-January 2024. Currently the Supervisory Board can neither rule out that the acting members of the Executive Board remain in office unchanged, nor that one or more members of the Executive Board terminate their office early or that the Executive Board is restructured respectively. The Supervisory Board is expected to decide on these matters in January or at the beginning of February 2024.
End of Ad hoc Release
Aurubis AG Angela Seidler Vice President Investor Relations & Corporate Communications Spokesperson Phone: +49 40 7883-3178
Christoph Tesch Head of Group Communications Spokesperson Phone:+49 40 7883 2178 Mobile: +49 172 4382 388
Meino Hauschildt Manager Group Communications Spokesperson Phone:+49 40 7883 3037 Mobile: +49 172 3290 621