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ChromoTek and Absolute Antibody Collaborate on Recombinant Engineered Antibodies

ChromoTek and Absolute Antibody Collaborate on Recombinant Engineered Antibodies
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ChromoTek and Absolute Antibody Collaborate on Recombinant Engineered Antibodies

Nanobody-based chimeric antibodies target fluorescent and structural proteins

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Munich, Germany and Redcar, UK: February 25, 2021. ChromoTek GmbH, part of Proteintech specializing in Nanobody-based reagents, and Absolute Antibody Ltd., a leading provider of recombinant antibody technology, today announced a partnership to offer recombinant engineered antibodies to scientists worldwide. The chimeric antibodies were originally derived from alpaca Nanobodies and engineered onto mouse and rabbit Fc domains to open up new research applications. Available antibodies target key fluorescent proteins commonly used as tags for protein visualization, as well as the structural protein vimentin. "We are very proud of the innovative power of ChromoTek, which now serves a global market with its innovative nanobody-based research reagents, revolutionizing research," said Dr. Peter Hanns Zobel, managing director of the Biotechnology Innovation and Start-up Center (IZB). ChromoTek chose the IZB in Martinsried near Munich as its company headquarters.

The original Nanobodies, the smallest known antibody format, were generated by ChromoTek from the binding domains of alpaca heavy chain antibodies. Absolute Antibody used antibody engineering to fuse the Nanobodies onto mouse IgG1 and rabbit Fc domains, generating bivalent antibodies that extend the research applications of the original Nanobodies. For example, the engineered antibodies provide increased apparent affinity due to avidity effects in e.g. immunofluorescence experiments, as well as enable detection with different secondary antibodies to permit new co-labeling approaches. Alternatively, the engineered antibodies can be conjugated to an increased number of fluorophores for direct detection. In addition, they allow for immobilization on Protein A beads, resins or plates.

The chimeric antibodies are all recombinantly produced for ensured batch-to-batch reproducibility, high purity and low endotoxin levels. Available targets include the green fluorescent protein GFP, TurboGFP, and mNeonGreen, as well as an antibody targeting the structural and type III intermediate filament protein vimentin.

“ChromoTek is proud to offer our renown Nanobodies, cited in more than 2,000 scientific publications, in new innovative formats,” commented Dr. Marion Jung, CEO of ChromoTek. “We are launching these chimeric antibodies as part of Proteintech’s recombinant antibody portfolio leveraging market access synergies.”

“Our new collaboration combines ChromoTek’s industry-leading Nanobody reagents with Absolute Antibody’s recombinant antibody engineering expertise to offer scientists new and unique research tools,” said Dr. Michael Fiebig, Vice President Product Portfolio & Innovation at Absolute Antibody. “The Nanobody-IgG fusions showcase the power of antibody engineering to open up experimental possibilities and facilitate new avenues of research.”

The recombinant engineered antibodies are available in both the Absolute Antibody and Proteintech catalogs. The original Nanobodies are also available via ChromoTek.

About ChromoTek GmbH

ChromoTek pioneered the development and commercialization of Nanobody-based research reagents. As a market and product leader for high quality and reliable Nanobody-based reagents, we assist scientists’ research world-wide. In addition, ChromoTek is a trusted service provider of custom-made Nanobodies for the pharmaceutical industry. Founded in 2008 ChromoTek has been acquired by Proteintech Group, Rosemont, IL in October 2020. Visit and for more information.

About Absolute Antibody, Ltd.

Absolute Antibody is a rapidly growing company with a vision to make recombinant antibody technology accessible to all. We offer antibody sequencing, engineering and recombinant production as custom services, as well as a unique catalog of recombinant antibodies, engineered into new and useful formats. Visit for more information.

Contact Absolute Antibody:

Lisa Merolla

Senior Director of Marketing

+1 617-377-4057 (extension 610)

Contact ChromoTek:

Lucie Borchardt

Digital Marketing Specialist

+49 89 12414880

About Innovation and Start-up Center for Biotechnology (IZB) in Martinsried near Munich

The Fördergesellschaft IZB mbH, founded in 1995, is the operating company of the Innovation and Start-up Centers for Biotechnology in Planegg-Martinsried and Freising-Weihenstephan, which have developed into a leading biotechnology center. Over 50 biotech companies with over 700 employees are currently located on 26,000 m2 in Planegg-Martinsried. Here, work is being carried out on developing drugs against the most serious diseases, such as cancer, Alzheimer's and various autoimmune diseases. An essential criterion for the success of the IZBs is the spatial proximity to top research on the Martinsried / Grosshadern campus. The new infrastructure features such as the Faculty Club G2B (Gateway to Biotech), the IZB Residence CAMPUS AT HOME, the Elhardt Chemistry College, the two kindergartens Bio Kids and Bio Kids2, as well as the two restaurants SEVEN AND MORE and Café Freshmaker are location factors that are very much appreciated by company founders. Successful companies that have emerged from the IZB are, for example, Medigene AG, MorphoSys AG, Micromet GmbH (today Amgen AG), Octopharma GmbH, Corimmun (today Janssen-Cilag), Rigontec GmbH (today MSD), ibidi GmbH, Coriolis GmbH and Immunic Therapeutics. More information at

Press contact and requests for images:

Susanne Simon, Head of Press and Public Relations

Fördergesellschaft IZB mbH, Innovation and Start-up Center for Biotechnology

Am Klopferspitz 19, D-82152 Planegg-Martinsried

Tel.: +49 (0) 89/55 279 48-17, E-Mail:


Managing Director: Dr. Peter Hanns Zobel
Munich Local Court HRB 111930

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