EMD - European Marketing Distribution
EMD adopts Sourcing Code of Conduct
Pfäffikon/Switzerland (ots)
- Milestone for retail alliance committed to Responsibility and Sustainable Sourcing
- EMD supports Private Label suppliers in meeting the set criteria
- Launching cooperation with A-Brand suppliers in Sustainability
Responsibility for people, working conditions and the environment - as Europe's leading purchasing alliance, EMD has always been committed to this. Now the top issue of social sustainability is being defined even more concretely by European Marketing Distribution: From now on, Private Label suppliers will be subjected to a SOURCING CODE OF CONDUCT which defines 12 sustainability criteria for cooperation with EMD. The content of these purchasing guidelines is based on the Sustainable Supply Chain Initiative (of which EMD is an active member) of the Consumer Goods Forum (CGF). Private Label suppliers who do not yet comply with the new EMD purchasing guidelines are accompanied by the international retail alliance and given support in achieving this goal.
With the adoption of a catalogue of sustainability requirements for Private Label procurement that is effective across all joint sourcing projects, EMD sets a landmark as international retail alliance. The new SOURCING CODE OF CONDUCT underpins the aim of EMD and its member companies to provide sustainable produced products of outstanding quality to consumers in the single countries. Accordingly, strict compliance with high social standards and a commitment to recognized food safety standards are also declared as indispensable in the new purchasing guidelines.
To ensure food safety in accordance with the Global Food Safety Initiative, all suppliers involved are carefully monitored. With regard to the so-called risk countries (Amfori BSCI risk country classification) and risk product categories, EMD assesses social compliance evidence such as audit reports and certificates.
Each EMD member will continue to be able to rely on its own standards when sourcing goods. However, for cooperation with the Private Label industry, EMD itself will accept no less than the guidelines laid down in the SOURCING CODE OF CONDUCT.
In addition, A-Brand suppliers can cooperate internationally with EMD on their sustainability initiatives. EMD welcomes any proposal that is in line with the guidelines and possibilities of the individual EMD members.
About EMD
European Marketing Distribution AG, with headquarters in Pfäffikon, Switzerland, has been acknowledged since 1989 as an efficient and high-performing partner for Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) by the consumer goods industry. The leading associated group operates now together with its member companies in 20 countries in Europe, Oceania and Asia.
The member companies of European Marketing Distribution (EMD) are active in the following markets:
Australia: Woolworths Austria: MARKANT Österreich Bulgaria: Kaufland Croatia: Kaufland Czech Republic: MARKANT Denmark: Dagrofa Germany: MARKANT Italy: ESD Italia New Zealand: Countdown (Woolworths) Netherlands: Superunie Norway: Unil/NorgesGruppen Poland: Kaufland Portugal: EuromadiPort Romania: Kaufland Russia: Lenta Sweden: Axfood Switzerland: MARKANT Slovakia: MARKANT Spain: Euromadi South Korea: Homeplus
For further information:
Donati & Rosmanith
Better Communications
Uwe Rosmanith
Triq ir-Rumani, 3
Xlendi, XLN1431
Phone: +49 171 9706644
Original content of: EMD - European Marketing Distribution, transmitted by news aktuell