ots Ad hoc-Service: FORIS AG <DE0005775803> FORIS before another stock split and capital increase to facilitate corporate acquisitions
Berlin (ots Ad hoc-Service) -
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With the invitation to the general meeting on 26 May 2000, the management of FORIS AG submits the following proposals to the shareholders for resolution:
1. A stock split should be executed to double the capital stock through a conversion of surplus capital. Greater market liquidity will be attained for the stock by increasing the number of shares to 5,860,000 units.
2. The Management Board should be empowered to make use of the authorized capital, even while excluding the subscription rights of shareholders, in order to facilitate capital holdings in other companies or the acquisition of companies by way of share exchanges.
3. The Management Board should be authorized to repurchase treasury stock in order to achieve the above or comparable strategic purposes.
4. Installed during the formation phase, Supervisory Board members Thorsten Geson, a Management Board member of AHAG AG, and Dr. Dieter Wetekam, Attorney at Law, Public Accountant and Independent Auditor, have stated that, due to FORIS AG's expansive orientation, they deem it advisable for new members with the corresponding specialized know-how to fill the Supervisory Board positions. They will thus resign from their Supervisory Board office at the end of the general meeting.
At the proposal of the Management Board, two candidates will present themselves for election as new Supervisory Board members for the residual terms of office of the resigning members:
1. Priv. Doz. Dr. habil. Nina Dethloff, LL.M., Bielefeld; 2. Dr. Thomas Laukamm, Managing Director of Consulting Trust, Gesellschaft fuer strategische Beratung GmbH, Duesseldorf
Within the framework of her previous academic activity, Dr. Dethloff has dealt extensively with the topic "litigation financing." She is specialized in international (particularly, US) law.
Dr. Laukamm possesses relevant experience in the Internet and publishing through activity in and for other companies and his own corporate formations.
Dr. Hans Cobet, Attorney at Law and Public Accountant, will remain Chairman of the Supervisory Board.
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Original content of: FORIS AG, transmitted by news aktuell