ots Ad hoc-Service: FORIS AG <DE0005775803> The FORIS AG, with its subsidiary, FORISION AG enters the business field of exploiting patents and trademarks
Berlin, Bonn, Frankfurt, Munich, New York (ots Ad hoc-Service) -
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FORIS AG (WKN: 577 580)- the market pioneer in the area of litigation financing - enters the business field of exploiting patents and trademarks with its newly incorporated wholly owned subsidiary, the FORISION AG.
The business idea originated as a response to the numerous requests repeatedly made to the FORIS AG outside of the area of pure litigation financing by holders of industrial property rights. The commercial exploitation has proven to be the key problem. The FORISION AG offers the complete solution to this. As a full service provider, the FORISION AG first makes a several step analysis of the commercial exploitability of the right and then looks for a particularly suitable license partner or buyer. The FORISION AG accompanies the holder of the industrial property right along the entire exploitation route and in return, participates in the proceeds of such exploitation. As in the case of litigation financing, the contractual partners are equally interested in the best possible results.
Due to the volume of requests made up to the present time and the rapid increase in the number of patent and trademark applications, the FORISION AG anticipates positive year-end results already in the coming year.
The Executive Officers of the FORISION AG are Dr. Frank Rene Remmertz and Mr. Thomas Ruppert. Both are lawyers with many years of experience in the area of industrial property law. The FORISION AG maintains offices in Bonn and in Munich.
FORIS AG, Matterhornstr. 44, 14129 Berlin, fon: (0 30) 80 48 64-0, fax: (0 30) 80 48 64-24, www.foris.de FORISION AG, Kurt-Schumacher-Str. 12, 53113 Bonn, fon; (02 28) 9 57 50 23, fax: (02 28) 9 57 50 47, www.forision.de
WKN:577580; Index: Listed:Neuer Markt Frankfurt; Freiverkehr in Berlin, Bremen, Düsseldorf, Hamburg, Hannover, München und Stuttgart
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Original content of: FORIS AG, transmitted by news aktuell