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OPTIMA packaging group GmbH

OPTIMA develops sustainable travel kit with partners

OPTIMA develops sustainable travel kit with partners
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Optima has supported the development of a sustainable travel set for daily personal hygiene from renewable, fiber-based raw materials as a technology partner. The concept is named “Trific”. Successful cooperation throughout the entire value chain and new technologies have made this solution possible. In addition to Optima, the companies Holmen Iggesund, Yangi® and FutureLab & Partners also contributed to this project. The project intends to motivate brands to switch to sustainable packaging and will be introduced at Interpack. The packaging trade show begins on May 4 in Düsseldorf. Optima is presenting other sustainable packaging innovations alongside this.

The complete press release and images can be found in the download area below. We are looking forward to a publication.

Kind regards,

Jan Deininger

Press contact:

OPTIMA packaging group GmbH

Jan Deininger

Group Communications Manager

+49 (0)791 / 506-1472

Geschäftsführer: Hans Bühler, Jan Glass, Dr. Stefan König, Gerhard Ulrich Breu
Registergericht Stuttgart: HRB 571090
Ust.-Id.Nr.: DE 145 209 170
Steuer-Nr.: 84060/09756
Further material to download

document:  Press release Holist~ainable design.docx