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Koehler Group Becomes Newest Partner of NXTGN Innovation Platform

Koehler Group Becomes Newest Partner of NXTGN Innovation Platform
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  • Consortium of startups and leaders in academia and industry from Baden-Württemberg
  • The consortium’s goal: ensuring the success of small and medium-sized enterprises
  • NXTGN competing as »Startup Factory« in the German federal government’s flagship competition

Partnerships with startups and a spirit of innovation are both important factors that are helping shape the future of the Koehler Group. Because of this, the premium specialty paper provider and planner and operator of renewable energy facilities has now joined NXTGN, an innovation and SME network. More specifically, the partners of this network work together on ensuring that the next generation of small and medium-sized enterprises in Baden-Württemberg will be successful and driven by innovation. In the spotlight of the partnership is the further development of the circular economy.

A strong consortium based in Baden-Württemberg

In March, the Koehler Group became a new anchor partner of NXTGN. NXTGN pursues an easily defined goal: ensuring that the next generation of small and medium-sized enterprises is both successful and innovative. To achieve this, the consortium networks startups and leaders in academia and industry in a manner conducive to accomplishing this goal. Through the partnership, the Koehler Group is taking on a co-shaping role and contributing to the network in order to create suitable conditions for a vital start-up ecosystem together with the scientific community. Together with many other strong partners from the business world, this will proactively help foster the required innovation and SME network in Baden-Württemberg. Koehler Group COO Dr. Stefan Karrer confirmed the approach: “With our partnership, we’re also part of an innovative and tight-knit next generation of companies and are making a contribution to a future-proof society.” He then goes on to add that the membership makes the company a visibly innovative and exciting employer in the region that offers a promising future.

As part of the flagship competition, the German federal government is supporting so-called Startup Factories, which are expected to become central hubs for innovation in Germany in the future. NXTGN is in the middle of competing to become one of these startup factories and the flagship for “The Länd.”

Best regards

Alexander M. Stöckle
Corporate Director Marketing & Communications
Press Spokesperson

Koehler Holding SE & Co. KG

Tel: +49 7802 81-4749
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