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The EU's 7th Environment Action Programme

The EU
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The seventh incarnation of the EU's Environment Action Programme (EAP) is called "Living well, within the limits of our planet". The document outlines nine goals for the EU's environmental policy between 2013 and 2020. In addition, the programme defines what the EU must do in order to accomplish its own objectives.

One basic challenge is outlined in the EAP's title: How can the justified desire of the EU's citizens for well-being be reconciled with meaningful environmental policies? The document attempts to answer this question with the concept of sustainability. A more efficient use of resources and a decrease in emissions are to be attained in all areas of innovation and growth, resulting in a greener economy. In addition, the continent's nature capital and the health and well-being of all EU citizens are to be preserved - all with respect for the ecological limits of the planet.

The programme's additional priorities include the improved implementation of EU environmental legislation in the individual member states, the promotion of science and research and a better integration of environmental protection into other policies. The Environment Action Programmes are among the EU's oldest instruments - they date back to 1973, the first time an EAP provided a general framework for the bloc's forthcoming environmental policy.

[Attention: These images are intended exclusively for editorial use in connection with the current coverage and may be used only when using the copyright notice "Photo: dpa".]

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