ots Ad hoc-Service: TePla AG <DE0007461006> First half report - TePla stepping up expansion
Kircheim (ots Ad hoc-Service) -
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Sales increased again
Sales of TePla AG climed to 10.6 Mio DM within the first half of the 2000 fiscal year. This is an increase of 29 percent compared to the same period of fiscal 1999. This considerable increase in sales is attributable to the strong demand within the Semiconductor Technology devision. The Surface Technology and the PCB division lagged behind the expectations.
For the near future further expansions are an important part of the company's strategy. The first steps were the aquisitions of the I.S.T., Yverdon Switzerland (June 2000) and MetroLine, California, USA (August 2000). The budget 2000 will be upgraded in the fourth quarter at the latest.
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Original content of: PVA TePla AG, transmitted by news aktuell