ots Ad hoc-Service: TePla AG <DE0007461006> Results third quarter: US development advanced
Kirchheim near Munich (ots Ad hoc-Service) -
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Results third quarter: US development advanced
The TePla AG, Kirchheim near Munich, published today the final figures for the third quarter 2000. Within the first nine months of the financial year, the TePla AG could gain revenues of DM 15.8 millions and thus exceeded the previous years value (DM 12.3 millions) by around 30 per cent. Especially positive was the development in the US market. Here, the revenues could be increased by 191 per cent and thus almost trebled to DM 1.7 millions compared to the previous year (DM 0.6 millions). Thus, the share of revenues generated in the US rose from 5 to 11 per cent.
The operating result in the third quarter was influenced by expenditures in connection with the acquisitions of MetroLine Industries and IST Instant Surface Technology, by heavily increased R&D-investments as well as by startup costs incurred with TePla Inc., USA and TePla France.Due to the positive revenue development however, TePla succeeded to obtain an almost balanced result in the third quarter; the period deficit within the first nine months remained almost unchanged at DM -0.2 millions in the comparison to the second quarter.
At the same time, the incoming orders rose to DM 21.8 millions by the end of Septembers and thereby exceeded the previous years value (DM 12.4 millions) by more than 75 per cent. Based on this and in the context of the initial consolidation of the MetroLine in the fourth quarter the turnover expectation for the current financial year is raised by over 30 per cent to DM 32.5 millions. In relation to the previous year this corresponds to an expected increase in sales of over 70 per cent.
Thereby, the portion of sales generated in the USA is to rise to 25 per cent by the end of the year. The strategic target to make the United States TePlas main market will be achieved through MetroLine-sales within the financial year 2001.
Further information on the business development and the detailed figures of the third quarter are to be found in todays press release and the quarterly report on www.tepla.com.
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Original content of: PVA TePla AG, transmitted by news aktuell