Handbags with a piece of world history
One document
Anyone purchasing a handbag of the luxury brand SEKRÈ will carry a valuable piece of world history with her. The original handwriting of a historical person is worked into each bag in a well concealed section.
The startup MYSTERY BAG International is a manufacturer of luxury handbags. Original handwritings of world-known celebrities, emperors and kings are worked into each bag, e.g. Charles Lindbergh, Grace Kelly and Marlene Dietrich.
The first edition was sold out within a few days only.
Read the exciting background information with the enclosed press release. If interested, please feel free to contact us.
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Kind regards, Thomas Huber MYSTERY BAG International GmbH Leopoldstraße 2-8 32051 Herford Germany Phone: +49 5221 854 9625 Mobile: +49 151 1515 1051 Email: t.huber@sekrebag.com CEO: Thomas Huber Registration court: Amtsgericht Bad Oeynhausen / HRB-No.: 16595 VAT-No.: DE320364914