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Kat Florence releases World's Rarest Kashmir Sapphire Collection

Kat Florence releases World
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Berlin (ots)

Jewellery designer Kat Florence, renowned for creating jewelry for the stars and famous for incorporating the world's rarest colored gemstones into her masterpieces, will finally be releasing her collection of fine quality Kashmir Sapphires this November.

In an interview Kat Florence explains that the Kashmir Sapphire mines depleted over 100 years ago. She believes that gemstones with this now extinct lineage, should be shown to the world before being sold to private collectors. Kat Florence will be loaning her masterpieces to a list of select museums around the world, to be on display for several months before these, now impossible to source again, gems, will go for sale at auction or to private collectors.

Kashmir Sapphires hold the world record for highest priced sapphires per carat ever sold at auction. The 5 legendary Kashmir Sapphires sold in the last decade are the Rockefeller Sapphire which sold April 2011 for US$ 3.0 Mio, Star of Kashmir which sold May 2013 for US$ 3.5 Mio, then the 28 Carat Kashmir by Oscar Heyman & Brothers which sold April 2014 for US$5.1 Mio, the Cartier Kashmir Bracelet which changes owners on May 2016 for US$ 7.7 Mio and the Peacock Necklace November which went 2018 for a record US$ 14.9 Mio, making Kat Florence Kashmir Sapphire Collection one of the most exciting and expected events in the world of rare and exquisite gems.


Kat Florence

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