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Racing for the Queen of Diamonds
Luxury jewelers scramble to meet the growing demand of the world's rarest D Flawless Diamond

Racing for the Queen of Diamonds / Luxury jewelers scramble to meet the growing demand of the world
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It is the most perfect diamond nature ever created: The D Flawless Diamond, with its purest white and clarity. Even under a microscope, no impurities can be detected, neither inside the diamond nor outside. Only one in a million diamonds shows this perfection and achieves the royal rank of the perfect D Flawless. No wonder that these diamonds are among the most sought-after gemstones in the world.

Kat Florence Celebrity Designer, known for using only perfect D Flawless Diamonds in all her jewelry pieces, states that supply is not consistent, and she has seen a drop of 60% in the last few years.

Even "Gem Hunter" Don Kogen, known for the acclaimed documentary show Game of Stones on the Discovery Network, a "Gem Hunter" who finds the most beautiful and rarest stones in the most remote parts of the world, is always impressed by the beauty and purity of this queen among diamonds. The strong demand for D Flawless Diamonds has been rising for years and so has its price.

As Fine Art Connoisseurs collect masterpieces, Jewelry collectors are seeking the finest gems produced by Mother Nature - the gems that always increase their value in the long term.

Luxury jewelers like celebrity designer Kat Florence scramble to meet the growing demand of the world's rarest D Flawless diamonds.


Rosalita Life for Kat Florence

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