ots Ad hoc-Service: PRO DV Software AG <DE0006967805> PRO DV obtains majority share (80 %) in its Dresden-based subsidiary
Dortmund (ots Ad hoc-Service) -
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PRO DV Software AG (SCN 696780) increased its participation in the Dresden-based PRO DV Software GmbH from 50 to 80 %. 66,000 PRO DV shares - originating from a share repurchase program announced and carried out last September - will pay for this investment. The managing partners of Pro DV Software GmbH in Dresden, Dr. Volker Manusch and Dr. Bernhard Brönner, will keep 10 % each in shares. With the acquisition of these further shares PRO DV continues their growth strategy and thus confirms their targets for 2001 and 2002.
Do not hesitate to contact us, if you have any questions: Klaus Bullmann (Spokesman of Managing Board) Christian Niederhagemann (Investor Relations Manager)
PRO DV Software AG Phone: +49 231 9792 341 Fax: +49 231 9792 200 Email: ir@prodv.de Web: http://www.prodv.de
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Original content of: PRO DV Software AG, transmitted by news aktuell