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Panasonic Deutschland

Panasonic - Press Conference/ IFA 2005

Hamburg (ots)

2 September 2005 
   2 to 3 p.m.
   IFA, ICC Berlin, Room 3
We invite you to attend our press conference!
Innovative ideas for new digital dimensions
The intelligent networking of all kinds of high-tech products -
made by Panasonic - is leading the way to the high definition world
of tomorrow. Take a look at the future with us. At the 2005 IFA (the
world's largest consumer electronics trade fair), Panasonic presents
cutting edge technology from its product lines plasma screens, video
and digital cameras as well as DVDs. You can also find out about
Panasonic's business development and the company's strategic goals.
We are pleased to invite you to our press conference.
We look forward to seeing you there.
Brendon Gore
   Panasonic Europe Ltd.
Joachim Reinhart
   President, Chief Operating Officer
   Panasonic Europe Ltd.
Masaaki Fujita
   Director PDP Business Unit
   Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd.
Mike Bolatzky 
   Marketing Communications Director
   Panasonic Germany
Fax: +49 (0)211 43 03 29 04
In the press centre of IFA 2005 you can find further information
about Panasonic.
Panasonic at IFA 2005: Hall 5.2. a/b.

Original content of: Panasonic Deutschland, transmitted by news aktuell

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