ots Ad hoc-Service: Secunet Security Networks <DE0007276503>secunet in 3rd quarter 2000: Revenue increase of 125%, improvement of results
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secunet in 3rd quarter 2000: Revenue increase of 125%, improvement of results
During the third quarter 2000, secunet continued on its dynamic growth course. With sales worth DM 9.2 million from July to September 2000, the leading German IT security consulting company increased its sales by 125% as compared to the same quarter last year (DM 4.1 million). During the first nine months of 2000, the company recorded sales of DM 21.5 million, which corresponds to an increase of more than 60% as compared to the same period in 1999 (DM 13.4 million). Management expects revenues for the entire business year 2000 to reach the same growth rate.
Earnings for the third quarter were -DM 1.0 million, which represents a significant improvement over the third quarter value for 1999 (-DM 2.4 million). As a result, losses over the first nine months of the year, amounting to DM 4.1 million, were 6.4% or DM 279,000 lower than last year. The establishment of a training centre in Munich, the large increases in personnel and preliminary investments for international M & A activities figure prominently on the cost side and will thus have an impact on annual results as well. Due to these investments in the future, secunet is proceeding firmly on the path toward profitability, which should be reached in 2001.
For further information please contact: Dr. Jörg Chittka, Head of Investor Relations; secunet Security Networks AG, Tel.: +49 (0)2054 123127, Fax: +49 (0)2054 123456, Email: investor.relations@secunet.de
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Original content of: Secunet Security Networks AG, transmitted by news aktuell