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Berlin/Hanover (ots)

AVM Presents Web, Telephony and Streaming Media at 50 Mbit/s-
   Two VDSL CPEs Debut-Internet Telephony and TV
- Debut for two combination devices: VDSL + VoIP, and VDSL +
   - Throughput of up to 50 Mbit/s for computers, telephones and TV
   - VDSL modem integrated with router, VoIP PBX, firewall, and WLAN
   - Video codecs for MPEG2, MPEG4 integrated with TV interface
At AVM's Cebit trade fair stand, two VDSL CPEs are making their
debut, opening up possibilities never seen before. Both products
implement the new VDSL standard with data speeds of up to 50 megabits
per second. Thus VDSL is ideally suited for the data traffic of
simultaneous web access, Internet telephony, and multiple
high-resolution TV channels. With an integrated TV interface and
MPEG2/4 decoder, the new VDSL CPE connects directly to a TV set. In
addition to the familiar FRITZ!Box connectivity options the new
products provide more digital and analog outputs for audio and video
The Technology: New VDSL at 50 Mbit/s
The new VDSL standard G992.3, with data speeds of up to 50
megabits per second, is the next big step in broadband speed. VDSL
can be distributed both directly from the central office, and from
local cable distribution points. The local distribution points are
served by fiber optic cables (Fiber to the Curb). Near the DSLAM, or
the "curb DSLAM," VDSL is available at data rates of 25 and 50
Mbit/s. Like ADSL, VDSL uses Discrete Multitone Transmission (DMT)
encoding for fast data communication. DMT divides information among
4096 discrete tones in a frequency spectrum of up to 30 MHz.
Currently, bandwidths of 8 and 17 MHz are used. ADSL2+, in
comparison, uses a bandwidth of 2.2 MHz with 512 carrier tones, and
attains throughput of 16 Mbit/s. With this encoding, the classic
twin-lead copper cable continues its impressive career: just a few
years ago, it was considered to have attained its maximum load at
1200 bits per second. VDSL allows the specification of different
upstream and downstream data rates. This flexibility ensures maximum
compatibility with existing infrastructures. Analog telephony and
ISDN services can be provided alongside VDSL in the lowest frequency
band. ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode) is not necessary in packet
transfer between the VDSL modem, the DSLAM, and network routers.
Direct, "raw IP" transport over VDSL increases throughput rates, and
reduces infrastructure costs.
VDSL Debut No. 1: FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7500V
In FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7500V, AVM combines a VDSL modem and router,
a firewall, wireless LAN, and a PBX for both Voice-over-IP and
fixed-line calls. The new product was developed with special
attention to optimum data throughput. A fully integrated VDSL modem
achieves this objective. At the same time, modem integration
simplifies installation and reduces the number of products required.
The interfaces to connect telephones and computers are identical with
those of AVM's current flagship product, FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7170.
With wireless LAN, four Ethernet ports, and extensions for analog and
ISDN phones, the communication options are boundless. Furthermore,
fast data streaming to an external disk drive connected to the USB
port is also supported. For streaming media from Internet servers,
FRITZ!Box supports the Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP).
IGMP is the Internet standard for IP multicasting, the transmission
of IP data streams to multiple recipients simultaneously. On the
local end, AVM's VDSL product supports the IGMP proxy and IGMP
snooping functions. Data communication with the Internet is
Ethernet-based, and supports VLAN (Virtual Local Area Network). This
allows the implementation of different quality-of-service classes for
different kinds of services, such as voice, video and web
applications. Among the differential service techniques supported is
VLAN tagging (IEEE 802.1q), which assigns ports to data streams
between the individual broadband devices at the subscriber site and
the broadband remote access server (BRAS) in the access network.
VDSL Debut No. 2: Video over VDSL in a FRITZ! Cebit Preview
The second VDSL debut at AVM's Cebit stand presents a combination
VDSL modem, router and direct connection to a TV set or
high-definition display. Thanks to an integrated MPEG2/4 decoder, the
VDSL access line can be connected to the TV set's SCART socket to
play TV content or video on demand. The intensive VDSL data
processing and the complex decoding of audiovisual data are performed
entirely in the AVM device with a level of integration unknown up to
now. For universal compatibility, the new product supports a variety
of communication standards, including H.264/MPEG4 AVC, MPEG2 and
MPEG1 Layer 3 (MP3) codecs. External devices can be connected to
FBAS, S-Video, DVI-D, S/PDF, RCA, LAN, WLAN and USB 2.0 host ports.
Market Launch Coordinated with VDSL Offerings
The exact launch date for AVM's VDSL products will depend on the
availability of the VDSL network and the VDSL offerings of national
and international network operators and providers.


Urban Bastert
Public Relations Office
Alt-Moabit 95, 10559 Berlin
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Original content of: AVM GmbH, transmitted by news aktuell

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