ots Ad hoc-Service: AC-Service AG <DE0005110001> BEKO takes an equity stake in AG-Service
Stuttgart (ots Ad hoc-Service) -
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BEKO Holding AG (WKN-Nr 920503) acquires over 5 % of AC-Service AG shares.
During stock exchange trading, BEKO Holding AG of Vienna purchased over 5 % of AC-Service AG shares.
Both companies are listed in the "Neuer Markt". AC-Service is a leading IT services company with group companies in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands. AC-Service is primarily in demand in the rapidly growing segment of medium sized businesses but also increasingly sought after by international companies. Last year, AC-Service built up its market position significantly. In November 1999, AC-Service was able to gain considerable market shares following two acquisitions in the area of payroll accounting services in Germany. During the next few years. AC-Service expects steady growth incentives from an offensively run SAP systems house business in combination with an attractive outsourcing offer. In the area of E-Business, AC-Service will be introducing newly developed internet solutions at the CeBIT 2000.
AC-Service will continue to develop these business sectors by following a clearly focused acquisition strategy. The BEKO group counts as one of the leading service companies in the areas of information technology and engineering in Austria. The BEKO Holding AG, according to its quarterly report 3/99, is pursuing a acquisition policy throughout the German speaking countries which is aimed at acquiring large-scale IT companies to complete its range of services offered and provide attractive locations and a wider circle of customers.
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