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Circular Economy Accelerator's Demo Day and applications for the next cohort

Circular Economy Accelerator
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The highlight of the first cohort of start-ups of the Circular Economy Accelerator was the presentation of their business models and the exchange with partner companies of the Circular Valley® during the "Demo Day" on August 30th, 2021.

The perfect location for this exciting event was the Visiodrom in the Gaskessel in Wuppertal-Heckinghausen. As an iconic building, the building itself stands for the topic of reuse with its conversion and new use. 190 top-class invited guests were able to get to know exciting business ideas from start-ups from all over the world. For example, how chemical products can be made from renewable electricity, water and CO2 from the air, how almost 100% of electronic waste can be recycled or how food approaching the use by date from the supermarket can still find buyers via an app. Minister of Economics Andreas Pinkwart via video as well as Lauren Kjeldsen, Member of the Executive Board of Evonik and President Specialty Additives, Dr Johannes Kirchhoff, Managing Partner of the Kirchhoff Group and Helen Burdett, Lead Circular Economy at the World Economic Forum, enriched the programme with very exciting contributions.

Applications for the next cohort are already open again. Start-ups with innovative ideas for the Circular Economy can apply for a stay in Circular Valley® until the end of September.

Sven C. Stein
Circular Valley