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GISEC 2020: Lucy Security presents their new version of the Lucy Awareness Platform

Zug/Switzerland (ots)

The Swiss company Lucy Security, one of the largest providers of cybersecurity awareness training with over 10,000 installations worldwide and over 22 million trained users, presents the new version of the Lucy Awareness Platform at its booth C15 in Hall 1 at GISEC, the cybersecurity exhibition at GITEX TECHNOLOGY WEEK in Dubai from December 6 - 10, 2020. The new version focuses on the development of a complete Learning Management System (LMS). The Lucy Security Platform 4.7.7 is now available and can be downloaded here.

Lucy Security at GISEC

The market in the Middle East is becoming increasingly important for Lucy Security. The software, which was designed from the beginning for multilingual use and self-editing functionalities, has received additional training modules in Arabic with the latest release. All modules can be adapted or extended independently.

The "Advanced Phishing Course" and the "Interactive Phishing Videos" in Arabic have been added to LUCY's internal course programme specifically for GISEC in Dubai. In addition to the study material, the training courses also include quiz questions and the possibility to print out a short certificate. A new feature of the "Interactive Phishing Video" is the combination of the elements of video, quiz and certificate, in order to achieve a maximum, verifiable training effect in a short time. Visitors will receive both courses free of charge at the LUCY booth.

New features at a glance

One new feature of the new LUCY platform is the ability to bundle several courses into one awareness campaign. Course libraries can now be created very easily and made available to users in the LMS. The user management has been optimised: User accounts of different user groups can be synchronised with the LUCY software via interfaces.

The 4.7.7 version places great emphasis on improvements in testing. For example, if the LUCY administrator compiles a file-based phishing simulation for his users, he can now store Excel files with macros in the phishing mails. The LUCY platform thus logs the opening of the Excel file.

About Lucy Security

Founded in 2015, Lucy has transformed the ethical hacking experience of its founders into comprehensive training software that provides a 360° view of an organisation's IT security vulnerabilities. Lucy continues to receive numerous industry awards, including the ISPG Award 2020 for Best Cyber Security Education and Training and the Cybersecurity Excellence Awards 2020 for Best Anti-Phishing and Best Security Education Platform. The company is headquartered in Zug, Switzerland .


Schwartz Public Relations
Sven Kersten-Reichherzer
Tel: +49 (0) 89 211 871 36

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