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Free Access to Cancer Research Services - canSERV 1st Call for Proposals

Free Access to Cancer Research Services - canSERV 1st Call for Proposals
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EU provides grants for cutting-edge cancer research through canSERV

Applications for innovative proposals to harness canSERV´s unified oncology services launches this week. A first of its kind, the largest European-wide consortium of research infrastructures is offering free-of-charge transnational access to cutting-edge services to develop breakthrough personalised cancer treatments.

The complexity of cancer requires a multidisciplinary treatment approach, integrating patient- and tumour-specific information at different levels. As part of Europe’s Cancer Mission and Beating Cancer Plan, the EU-funded canSERV project bundles the expertise from 13 European leading life science research infrastructures, ranging from cancer discovery to clinical practice. These services are made available through funded Transnational Access (TNA) calls, providing cancer researchers across Europe access to more than 400 customised world-class oncology services and state-of-the-art technologies, fostering personalised treatments for patients.

Prof. Jens K. Habermann, Director General of BBMRI-ERIC, that is coordinating canSERV, said:

"These grants offer a unique chance for cross-domain, interdisciplinary, research proposals to accelerate personalised oncology practice.”

Call Aims at Advancing Personalised Oncology

For the very first call, canSERV has joined forces with the EU-funded projects EOSC4Cancer and UNCAN to accelerate knowledge in personalised oncology with focus on multi-level data-based treatment guidance linked to Molecular Tumour Boards.

Specifically, canSERV welcomes excellent research applications on the following challenges:

1. Data-driven treatment selection for localised tumours with multiple patient-derived data types to support novel treatment and diagnostics.

2. Precision treatment guidance for metastatic cancer, especially colorectal cancer, based on multiple sources

Cancer researchers from research institutes and SMEs all over the world may apply for a combination of free-of-charge research services including: i) Disease Models, ii) Advanced Technologies for Personalised Oncology, iii) Biomarker research, development, and validation, iv) New Therapeutic solutions, v) Accelerated Translation into Personalised Oncology Clinical Practice, vi) Open Digital Research Services and vii) Access to human samples and data.

Ideally, these services range across domains to facilitate a multi-modal data approach.

Applications will be reviewed by an international, independent, expert review panel.

For more information about the Call for Service Provision, visit:

Or visit canSERV on social media @canserv_EU | canSERV.

Call budget: 0.5 Mio. Euro.

Call Launch: Tuesday, February 28, 2023.

Submission Deadline: Tuesday, April 25, 2023, at 12.00 CEST.

Press Contact:

ARTTIC Innovation GmbH

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement number 101058620.

The information and views set out in this press release are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the official opinion of the European Union. Neither the European Union institutions and bodies nor any person acting on their behalf may be held responsible for the use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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