ots Ad hoc-Service: artnet.com AG <DE0006909500> artnet.com acquires German Internet platform arttrade.de
Customer base will increase
New York/Frankfurt (ots Ad hoc-Service) -
Ad hoc-announcement edited and sent by DGAP. The sender is solely responsible for the contents of this announcement.
artnet.com AG, Frankfurt and New York has acquired arttrade.de, Munich effective October 1, 2000. The total purchase price is in the low six-digit Euros. With this acquisition artnet.com strengthens its position in the important German market by broadening its client base. arttrade.de has evolved as a successful Internet platform for art galleries in the past three years. Its main client is the Munich Art Fair with its 150 galleries. artnet.com, which represents 1,100 galleries, will benefit from a larger customer base, attractive synergies and cost savings. In addition artnet.com will obtain arttrade.de proprietary software with which galleries can update their own pages on the artnet.com site.
Further information: Grace E. Schalkwyk Chief Financial Officer Equinet Communications GmbH 61 Broadway, 23rd Floor Graefstrasse 97 New York, NY 10006 60487 Frankfurt gschalkwyk@artnet.com Tel.: +49 (0) 69-58 997 305 Tel.: 001-212-497-9700 x256 Fax: +49 (0) 69-58 997 349 Fax: 001-212-497-9707
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