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Rosenbauer International AG

euro adhoc: Rosenbauer International AG
INTERIM FIGURES FOR 2007 Record revenue and result figures yet again Revenues increased by 15% to EUR 427.0 Mio, and EBIT by 21% to EUR 30.4 Mio Order backlog still at high level

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Interim Figures


In 2007, the Rosenbauer Group once again outdid the record revenue and result figures it had achieved the year before. This success is largely due to the favourable market environment and strong international position enjoyed by the Group. Despite occasional bottlenecks in the availability of materials and chassis, all its production locations were working to capacity. Hence the Group's successful continuation of the growth trajectory of recent years.

Group revenues rose last year to EUR 427.0 Mio (2006: EUR 372.0 Mio), breaking all previous records. This revenue growth has resulted primarily from the export business of Rosenbauer International AG, and from higher revenues in the Group's German segment.

The operating result (EBIT) was up by over 21%, at EUR 30.4 Mio (2006: EUR 25.1 Mio), while the EBIT margin improved from 6.8% to 7.1%. The main contributors to the 2007 result were the export successes scored by Rosenbauer International AG, the strong growth in the Group's US business over the past few years, and the overseas shipments made by its Spanish subsidiary. The comparatively small rise in EBT, up 12% at EUR 24.7 Mio (2006: EUR 22.0 Mio), reflects increased financial expenditure.

Thanks to the buoyant order intake trend in the final quarter of the year, the volume of orders on hand at year-end 2007 reached a new record level of EUR 375.4 Mio (2006: EUR 354.1 Mio). The result is a continuation of the high levels of capacity utilization at the Group's production facilities.

|KEY CORPORATE FIGURES              |2007        |Change in %|2006  |2005  |
                                    |forecast    |
|Revenues                   |EUR Mio|427.0       |+ 15%       |372.0 |321.3 |
|EBIT                       |EUR Mio|30.4        |+ 21%       |25.1  |19.6  |
|EBT                        |EUR Mio|24.7        |+ 12%       |22.0  |15.9  |
|Employees (at cut-off date)|       |1,651       | + 9%       |1,517 |1,393 |
|Order backlog as at 31.12. |EUR Mio|375.4       |+ 6%        |354.1 |243.1 |

The figures given here are based on an IFRS-compliant accounting forecast. The
final figures for the 2007 financial year are to be announced on April 25, 2008.
end of announcement                               euro adhoc

Further inquiry note:

Rosenbauer International AG
Gerda Koenigstorfer
Tel.: 0043/732/6794-568

Branche: Machine Manufacturing
ISIN: AT0000922554
WKN: 892502
Index: WBI, ATX Prime
Börsen: Börse Berlin / free trade
Börse Stuttgart / free trade
Wiener Börse AG / official dealing

Original content of: Rosenbauer International AG, transmitted by news aktuell

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