ots Ad hoc-Service: SOFTING AG <DE0005178008>
Ad hoc-announcement edited and sent by DGAP. The sender is solely responsible for the contents of this announcement.
Munich(ots Ad hoc-Service) - According to provisional estimates, the Softing group has achieved a sales volume of at least 36 million DM with a slightly negative EBIT in the business year 2000. Softing has attained an annual net profit of more than million DM; this corresponds essentially with the expectations for 2000 which were already communicated in the last quarter of the year.
For 2001, the company plans an increase in turnover of 24% to 44.7 million DM. A balanced EBIT will be the result of much higher investments than was originally planned: for a new internal ERP system, a common sales department for the areas Industrial Communication and 4Control and for the expansion of foreign subsidiaries, especially in the United States. As another building block of systematic internationalization, a consultant office in Great Britain was established already in the fall and will support and expand local Softing sales.
The development in the market for industrial control systems has induced Softing to promote strategic focussing on the market segment 4Control even more strongly in 2001 since this field has the largest growth potential. The background for this decision is the substantial lead in technology which Softing has attained in the previous years.
With its product 4CONTROL, Softing not only has assumed technology leadership, but currently also grows from a manufacturer and supplier of automation components to a global key player in automation technology for Internet- based PC and Embedded Controller systems.
For the year 2002, Softing plans a turnover of 57 million DM and an EBIT of 3.9 million DM.
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Original content of: Softing AG, transmitted by news aktuell