ots Ad hoc-Service: Softing AG <DE0007206005> Annual Profit Amounts to 0.75 Million DM
Munich (ots Ad hoc-Service) -
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Softing - Annual Profit Amounts to 0.75 Million DM
During the past business year 2000, the Softing Group achieved a turnover of 36.81 million DM according to IAS with an EBIT of -0.97 million DM. The annual profit amounted to 0.75 million DM. The overall order situation of the Group during the running quarter of the year meets our expectations. The new sales structure which became effective as of January 1st, 2001, already proves successful. The merging of our formerly separated areas Industrial Automation and 4CONTROL and the joining of our marketing teams allow for cost-efficient sales activities.
WKN: 517800; Index: Listed: Neuer Markt in Frankfurt; Freiverkehr in Berlin, Bremen, Düsseldorf, Hamburg, Hannover, München, Stuttgart
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Original content of: Softing AG, transmitted by news aktuell