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dynaCERT CEO Jim Payne on attractive hydrogen opportunities

Toronto/Hannover (ots)

dynaCERT is a Canadian company and has developed a hydrogen technology for diesel engines, that also provides significant fuel savings to the operator. The so-called HydraGEN™ technology uses a proprietary and patented electrolysis system to turn distilled water into H2 & O2 gases that are produced on demand. The company focuses on reducing the amount of Greenhouse gases (GHG) emitted by the combustion of carbon-based fuels. The technology works with internal combustion engines around the globe.

CEO Jim Payne gives us more insides in our interview: “dynaCERT has spent 16 years and over CAD 60,000,000 to develop its HydraGEN™ patented technology and today is marketing its global solution to reduce pollution to 1 billion diesel engines globally.”

Germany’s high subsidies for the acquisition of battery cars is no competition for dynaCERT. “Last Friday, the European power grid was almost facing a blackout, as you can find reports from credible sources. The market share for electric cars is still very small but imagine what a blackout would mean for battery car owners. Meanwhile, the German government is switching off the nuclear power plants. Electric transport is very vulnerable”, stated Payne and adds: “We are lucky that the world still moves food and medicine by diesel, and we believe this will continue to be crucially important for decades to come.”

“We expect to achieve certification by VERRA in Washington DC in the USA to have our technology recognized as one that can produce carbon credits for the transportation industry to provide a shared stream of cash flows”, said Payne. “In 2020, our professionals in Austria, who have very close connections with governments, were able to attract the United Nations to feature our HydraGEN™ technology to be accepted and certified under the ‘United Nations Smart Sustainable Cities Program’.”

The full interview with dynaCERT CEO Jim Payne with further details on the technologies, market and saving potentials are available under:


Mario Hose
Apaton Finance GmbH
Ellernstr. 34
30175 Hannover
Telefon: +49 511 6768 731
Fax: +49 511 6768 730

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