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ots Ad hoc-Service: BRAINPOOL TV AG <DE0005188908> BRAINPOOL TV AG: Final figures for fiscal year 2000 - Operating profit (EBIT according to IAS) tripled to DM 13.3 million - Sales grew by 63 percent to DM 90.1 million

Cologne (ots Ad hoc-Service) -

Ad hoc-announcement edited and sent by DGAP. The sender is solely
responsible for the contents of this announcement.
BRAINPOOL TV AG was able to
completely fulfill its own forecasts in the business year 2000. EBIT
after IAS rose by 202 percent from DM 4.4 million to DM 13.3 million.
The Group income improved from DM 2.8 million to 8.5 DM million
accordingly. BRAINPOOL was able to increase Group sales by 93 percent
to DM 90.1 million and was thus able to slightly exceed the
preliminary figures.
BRAINPOOL has experienced strong growth in all its divisions.
Licensing and TV production sales rose up by 41 percent and reached
DM 67.4 million. BRAINPOOL has far exceeded its merchandising
business including audio products and games. In this division sales
reached DM 12.6 million, after DM 6.5 million in 1999. The Internet
sales increased from DM 0.6 million to DM 2.5 million. The sales in
the area events/others reached DM 7.4 million.
1999             2000
   Sales                55.4 (48.8)      90.1 (87.8)
   EBITDA                7.9 (4.7)       16.6 (15.6)
   EBIT                  4.4 (1.6)       13.3 (12.8)
   Net profit            2.8 (0.6)        8.5 (7.5)
   Earnings per 
   share (DM)            0.21 (0.00)     0.55 (0.65)
(in brackets forecast at stock exchange flotation; in DM million;
Group figures
End of message

Original content of: BRAINPOOL TV GmbH, transmitted by news aktuell

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