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Leifheit AG

ots Ad hoc-Service: LEIFHEIT AG <DE0006464506> LEIFHEIT in share buyback

Nassau/Lahn (ots Ad hoc-Service) -

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The Board of Management of LEIFHEIT AG has decided to exercise its
authority to buy back shares under a resolution of the AGM on 29 June
1999 with immediate effect. The buyback of up to 10% of the capital
stock will proceed in line with market conditions.
The buyback will reduce the number of shares on the market,
improving the balance sheet ratios and boosting eps, and so creating
additional incentive for potential investors. It also creates the
opportunity to use the treasury stock in future acquisitions.
The AGM will also be asked to increase the dividend to DEM 2.00
plus a bonus of DEM 0.30 per share (1999: DEM 1.70 DM + DEM 0.40).

Original content of: Leifheit AG, transmitted by news aktuell

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