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Critical Messaging Association (CMA)

Secure communication even in critical situations: 12 principles from experts on different continents

Berlin (ots)

The Critical Messaging Association (CMA) with its experts from the USA, Europe and Australia has defined principles for secure communication in critical situations.

Natural disasters and crises over the past five years have highlighted the critical need for resilient and reliable communication systems to ensure timely warnings and efficient coordination during disasters, thereby saving lives and minimizing chaos. Relying only on common services and infrastructures that are widely available to private customers is not nearly enough and is not state of the art. Anyone who relies only on one communication service is not taking their economic, technical and legal responsibility seriously enough.

The CMA therefore shares important insights into communication solutions that must also work in critical situations.

The CMA's 12 principles for secure communication are available at the following link:

Critical Messaging Association:

The Critical Messaging Association (CMA) is the industry association for companies that are dedicated to the wireless delivery of time-sensitive, critical messages in Europe, the Americas and Australia. Our members consist of network operators, manufacturers and others that combine to deliver reliable, point-to-multipoint simulcast technology and integrated messaging solutions for critical and non-critical communications.

Press contact:

Dr. Dietmar Gollnick – Chairman of Critical Messaging Association (CMA)


Original content of: Critical Messaging Association (CMA), transmitted by news aktuell

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