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Obrist Group has passed triple due diligence

Obrist Group has passed triple due diligence

  • Frank Obrist's vision of green methanol as a universal source of energy for the world stands up to scrutiny by the engineering and consulting firm ILF Consulting Engineers, the patent and law firm ETL-IP and the auditing firm BDO.
  • Frank Obrist: “This paves the way for investors, as the large-scale conversion to renewable energies will only succeed if it is based on market economy rules. However, it is essential that the government provides initial funding to support the launch of these new ventures.”

Lindau/Germany, Lustenau/Austria – 5th September 2024 – The German-Austrian industrial group Obrist Group sees its concept of converting the global energy supply to sustainably produced methanol instead of fossil fuels as confirmed by three complementary due diligence reviews. The international engineering and consulting firm ILF Consulting Engineers has technically reviewed the concept, the renowned patent and law firm ETL-IP has examined the validity of the 128 patents held and 252 patents applied for by Obrist, and the global auditing firm BDO has addressed the key role of the industrial group in the global conversion to a methanol economy in a comprehensive economic analysis. Inventor and entrepreneur Frank Obrist has every reason to be pleased: “All three complementary certificates confirm the technical feasibility, economic viability and significance for a sustainable energy supply around the globe.”

Frank Obrist's vision is as realistic as Steve Jobs's iPhone and Elon Musk's Mars shot

The result of the threefold due diligence can be summarized as follows: Obrist's vision is substantial and realistic, yet equally ambitious as Steve Jobs' quest to revolutionise the world with the iPhone or Elon Musk's plan to send humans to Mars. The Obrist concept envisages the CO2-negative production of methanol as a universal energy source, whereby more carbon dioxide is extracted from the atmosphere than is released during its subsequent use. According to the calculations confirmed by ILF, such a ‘CO2 vacuum cleaner’ can reduce the carbon dioxide content of the atmosphere to around the 1950 level by the year 2150. Frank Obrist comments: “In view of the advanced state of global warming, it is not enough just to reduce CO2 emissions; we have to reverse the trend and actively remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere to maintain a climate on our planet that is tolerable for humanity.”

According to the studies, around 2,700 so-called gigaplants would have to be built to completely free the global economy from fossil fuels. In these, solar energy is first used to produce hydrogen and then methanol, which can be distributed worldwide via all the transport infrastructures currently used for fossil fuels. If the gigaplants operate in the Earth's sun belt, where solar energy is abundantly available, the costs of the methanol economy are significantly lower than for all other energy sources, from oil and gas to nuclear power, conventional solar parks and wind turbines.

“Sustainability concepts will only catch on worldwide if they make energy cheaper than all the alternatives, because then the forces of the market economy will take effect”, Frank Obrist is convinced. State subsidies are necessary as start-up financing for such an energy turnaround, but ’in the end, only private-sector investors will be able to raise the enormous sums needed to convert the global economy from fossil fuels to methanol as a sustainable universal energy source.’

To build the 2,700 gigaplants needed to achieve this, almost $50 trillion in investment capital will be required. This is roughly equivalent to the global turnover of fossil fuels in just over six years.

Investors get access to triple due diligence

The Obrist Group is making the triple due diligence available to interested investors who want to enter the new era of the global methanol economy at an early stage. The return on capital employed is calculated at 21 per cent per annum. ‘The financially lucrative business model and the prospect of being able to make a significant contribution to saving the climate are of interest to many investors,’ says Frank Obrist.

Obrist Group: The Obrist Group, founded by inventor and entrepreneur Frank Obrist, focuses on innovations for global, sustainable and CO2-reducing energy concepts. The spectrum ranges from the global supply of renewable energies to atmospheric fuels (aFuels) and innovative CO2-negative (i.e. climate-positive!) drive concepts for the automotive industry. With around 380 key patents, the Obrist Group is one of the world's most important innovators in the field of sustainable energy concepts.

Further information:

Press Contact: Thorsten Rixmann, Global Director Marketing & Communications, 
Phone +43 660 5642275, email:

Press Agency: euromarcom public relations, email:

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