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Lloyd Fonds AG

euro adhoc: LLOYD FONDS AG

  Disclosure announcement transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer is responsible
  for the content of this announcement.
Delayed launch of new product taking its toll on placement figures
Hamburg, November 23, 2006. Listed company Lloyd Fonds AG, one of the
leading initiators of high-yield investment products, is reporting
consolidated profit of EUR 12.8 million for the first nine months of
this year, an increase of over 24 % over the same period one year
earlier, despite the muted sector conditions. This was accompanied by
a rise of just under 3 % in sales to EUR 51.2 million, while equity
placements widened by 15 % to EUR 230 million.
Towards the end of the third quarter, Lloyd Fonds was able to
successfully continue its diversification strategy with the
establishment of a new real estate fund as well as its first private
equity fund. However, these will not show up in equity placements and
sales for another few weeks. Working in collaboration with Sal.
Oppenheim bank, Lloyd Fonds has been developing the world’s first
open-end ship fund since the beginning of the year. Targeted
primarily at institutional investors, this fund is currently in the
regulatory approval phase. Originally, placement activities were to
commence in October.
Against this backdrop, Lloyd Fonds AG assumes that it will not be
able to fully meet the full-year guidance for 2006 which it issued in
January. This particularly applies to equity placements: after
initially projecting a volume of EUR 370 - 390 million, Lloyd Fonds
now expects to report a sum of only EUR 300 million (2005: EUR 286
million). As a result, the full-year sales forecast for 2006 has been
scaled back from EUR 90 million to EUR 65 million (2005: EUR 71
million). Despite this, profit should grow again and, at around EUR
19 million, exceed the previous year by around 11 %. In January,
Lloyd Fonds had issued profit guidance of EUR 19 - 20 million. As a
result, distribution of a dividend of at least EUR 1.20, i.e. in
excess of the previous year (EUR 1.10), will be possible.
end of announcement                               euro adhoc 23.11.2006 07:26:41

Further inquiry note:

Götz Schlegtendal
+49 (0)40 325678-148

Branche: Economy, Business & Finance
ISIN: DE0006174873
WKN: 617487
Index: CDAX
Börsen: Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse / official dealing/prime standard
Hamburger Wertpapierbörse / free trade

Original content of: Lloyd Fonds AG, transmitted by news aktuell

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