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Medigene AG

ots Ad hoc-Service: MediGene AG <DE0005020903> MediGene AG Acquires NeuroVir Therapeutics, Inc.

Munich (ots Ad hoc-Service) -

Ad hoc-announcement edited and sent by DGAP. The sender is solely
responsible for the contents of this announcement.
MediGene Aktiengesellschaft
Gesellschaft für molekularbiologische Kardiologie und Onkologie
("MediGene") and NeuroVir Therapeutics, Inc. ("NeuroVir") have signed
an agreement under which NeuroVir would become a wholly-owned
subsidiary of MediGene. Consummation of the transaction is subject to
a series of conditions, including the vote of NeuroVir shareholders,
regulatory approvals and an independent examination of the agreed
economic exchange. NeuroVir, a privately-owned Delaware corporation
with its principal place of business in San Diego. California/USA, is
a development-stage biotech company with herpes simplex virus
technologies for the potential treatment of tumors and for gene
delivery. It has two product candidates in clinical trials. MediGene
has agreed to issue with an exclusion of pre-emptive rights of
existing shareholders between 996,631 and 1,009,999 new MediGene
shares to NeuroVir shareholders against a capital contribution of all
outstanding shares, options and warrants of NeuroVir.
This ad hoc news release contains forward-looking statements that
involve risks and uncertainties. The forward-looking statements
contained herein represent the judgement of MediGene and NeuroVir as
of the date of this release. These forward looking statements are not
guarantees for future performance, and the forward- looking events
discussed in this press release may not occur. MediGene and NeuroVir
disclaim any intent or obligation to update any of these forward-
looking statements.
For further information please contact:
MediGene AG Angelika Heinz, VP, Head of Finance Phone: ++49 - 89 -
89 56 32-0 Christine Bohner, Public Relations Officer Phone: ++49 -
89 - 89 56 32-16 email: URL:

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  • 21.08.2000 – 07:45

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