comdirect - eine Marke der Commerzbank AG
ots Ad hoc-Service: comdirect bank AG <DE0005428007> comdirect participates in censio AG and starts an innovative online insurance platform
Quickborn (ots Ad hoc-Service) -
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comdirect bank AG, Quickborn, (Security identification number 542 800) takes over a 7.5 per cent share in censio AG, Oestrich-Winkel. With the financially backed, long-term strategic partnership, comdirect, Europe's largest direct broker, is branching out into insurance via the Internet and is thus forcing the development of the financial city.
With censio, comdirect is creating an Internet platform which for the first time offers interested parties a comprehensive survey of the market and range of complex insurance products. After input of personal details users are given a selection of qualitative criteria for insurance services. As a result of the assessment of requirements, the individual requirements of the interested party can be specified in a graded way on a level not hitherto achieved. The resulting tailor-made and individual insurance quote can be concluded online.
censio has more than 40 distribution agreements with insurance companies and will expand its product range from this month to all relevant, private insurance branches.comdirect will start with life insurance first of all in the third quarter 2000.
comdirect bank Aktiengesellschaft Thomas Berger, Investor
Relations Tel. 04106 / 704 - 1960
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