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AdCapital AG

ots Ad hoc-Service: AdCapital AG <DE0005214506> Best result in the company's history

Berlin (ots Ad hoc-Service) -

Ad hoc-announcement. The sender is solely
responsible for the contents of this announcement.
Best result in the company's
history Dividend proposed: Euro 0.65 per preferred share, Euro 0.50
for each ordinary share Conversion of preferred to ordinary shares
AdCapital produced the best result in the history of the company
in the last financial year. The financial year ended December 31st,
2000 with a net income in the AG of Euro 140 million (previous year:
Euro minus 65 million). The Group result to the year end was Euro 124
million after minus Euro 34 million in the previous period. Subject
to the approval of the Annual General Meeting, the shareholders are
to participate in this positive development. In yesterday's
Supervisory Board meeting, the Management Board and the Supervisory
Board resolved to propose to the Annual General Meeting for the 2000
financial year the distribution of a dividend of Euro 0.65 per
preferred share and Euro 0.50 for each ordinary share and the
remainder after a transfer to reserves carried forward. The dividend
distribution totals some Euro 9.4 million.
The Management Board and the Supervisory Board propose to the
Annual General Meeting to convert the preferred shares without voting
rights into ordinary shares with voting rights. The preferential
rights of the preferred shares without voting rights in @18 Par. 2 of
the articles of association are thus cancelled. The previous equity
structure consisting of two share classes is to be replaced by a
single share class. After conversion each share in AdCapital AG
grants one vote.
The Management Board will provide more details on the annual
financial statements at the balance sheet press conference on April
24th in Berlin.


C. Schroiff Tel. 030 885751 20 WKN: 521450 (ordinary
shares) WKN: 521453 (preferred shares)

WKN: 521450; Index: SMAX Listed: Amtlicher Handel in Berlin,
Fankfurt und Hamburg; Freiverkehr in Stuttgart, Hamburg und


Original content of: AdCapital AG, transmitted by news aktuell