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Semperit AG Holding

EANS-Adhoc: Semperit AG Holding
Semperit Group updates its Outlook

  Disclosed inside information pursuant to article 17 Market Abuse Regulation
  (MAR) transmitted by euro adhoc with the aim of a Europe-wide distribution.
  The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.
Earnings Forecast

Due to the continuous difficult situation in the Medical Sector and the cyclical
decreasing demand in the Industrial Sector, especially in the Sempertrans
segment, Semperit updates its outlook: The operational results of 2016 will be
well below the results in 2015. This results in a decline of about 10% for the
EBITDA and of about 20% for the EBIT.

The Semperit Group will continue its growth strategy consistently despite more
difficult economic conditions. The focus will be on the entering into new
markets in the Industrial Sector and the expansion and optimisation of existing
production capacities. In the Medical Sector (Sempermed segment) the focus will
be on the implementation of further production capacities in Malaysia. The
profitability shall be improved by continuing process optimisations and
efficiency enhancements as well as realising a cost reduction programme.

Further inquiry note:
Martina Büchele 		
Head of Group Communications
Tel.: +43 676 8715 8621

Stefan Marin	
Head of Investor Relations	
Tel.: +43 676 8715 8210

end of announcement                               euro adhoc 

issuer:      Semperit AG Holding
             Modecenterstrasse 22
             A-1030 Wien
phone:       +43 1 79 777-210
FAX:         +43 1 79 777-602
sector:      Synthetics & Plastics
ISIN:        AT0000785555
indexes:     WBI, ATX Prime, ViDX, Prime Market, ATX Global Players
stockmarkets: official market: Wien 
language:   English

Original content of: Semperit AG Holding, transmitted by news aktuell

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