EANS-Voting Rights: Semperit AG Holding
Publication of a participation
notification according to art. 135 para. 2 Stock Exchange Act - ATTACHMENT
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Notification of voting rights transmitted by euro adhoc with the aim of a Europe-wide distribution. The issuer is responsible for the content of this announcement. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Major holdings notification pursuant to Sec. 130 to 134 BörseG 2018 Wien, 30.5.2018 Overview 1. Issuer: Semperit Aktiengesellschaft Holding 2. Reason for the notification: Acquisition or disposal of voting rights Acquisition or disposal of financial/other instruments 3. Person subject to notification obligation Name: B&C Privatstiftung City: Wien Country: Österreich 4. Name of shareholder(s): B&C Semperit Holding GmbH, B&C Phi Holding GmbH 5. Date on which the threshold was crossed or reached: 29.5.2018 6. Total positions ______________________________________________________________________________ | | | % of voting | | | | | % of voting |rights through |Total of both |Total number of| | |rights attached|financial/other| in % (7.A + | voting rights | | |to shares (7.A)| instruments | 7.B) | of issuer | |_______________|_______________|(7.B.1_+_7.B.2)|______________|_______________| | Resulting | | | | | | situation on | | | | | | the date on | 54,18 % | 0,00 % | 54,18 % | 20 573 434 | |which threshold| | | | | | was crossed / | | | | | |____reached____|_______________|_______________|______________|_______________| | Position of | | | | | | previous | | | 54,18 % | | | notification | | | | | |(if_applicable)|_______________|_______________|______________|_______________| Details 7. Notified details of the resulting situation: _____________________________________________________________________________ |A: Voting | |rights | |attached to | |shares_______| | | Number of | % of voting | |__ISIN_Code__|_voting_rights_|____rights_____| | Direct | Indirect | Direct | Indirect | | (Sec 130 |(Sec 133 BörseG|(Sec 130 BörseG|(Sec 133 BörseG| |BörseG 2018) | 2018) | 2018) | | |_____________|_______________|_______________|_____2018)_____| |AT0000785555_|_______________|_____11_145_917|_______________|________54,18_%| |_SUBTOTAL_A__|__11_145_917___|____54,18_%____| ______________________________________________________________________________ |B 1: Financial| |/ Other | |Instruments | |pursuant to | |Sec. 131 para.| |1 No. 1 BörseG| |2018__________| | | | |Number of voting| | | | | | | | | | | |rights that may | | | Type of |Expiration Date|Exercise Period| be | % of voting | | instrument | | |acquired if the | rights | | | | | instrument is | | |______________|_______________|_______________|___exercised____|______________| |______________|_______________|_SUBTOTAL_B.1__|________________|______________| _____________________________________________________________________________ |B 2: | |Financial /| |Other | |Instruments| |pursuant to| |Sec. 131 | |para. 1 No.| |2 BörseG | |2018_______| | Type of | Expiration | Exercise | Physical / | Number of |% of voting | |instrument | Date | Period | Cash |voting rights| rights | |___________|____________|___________|_Settlement__|_____________|____________| |___________|____________|___________|SUBTOTAL_B.2_|_____________|____________| 8. Information in relation to the person subject to the notification obligation: Full chain of controlled undertakings through which the voting rights and/or the financial/other instruments are effectively held starting with the ultimate controlling natural person or legal entity: ______________________________________________________________________________ | | | | |Financial/ | | | | | Directly | Shares | other | | | No. | Name |controlled| held |instruments| Total of | | | | by No. |directly | held | both (%) | | | | | (%) | directly | | |__________|______________________|__________|__________|____(%)____|__________| |____1_____|B&C_Privatstiftung____|__________|__________|___________|__________| | 2 |B&C Holding Österreich| 1 | | | | |__________|GmbH__________________|__________|__________|___________|__________| | 3 |B&C Industrieholding | 2 | | | | |__________|GmbH__________________|__________|__________|___________|__________| | 4 |B&C Semperit Holding | 3 | 50,00 %| | 50,00 %| |__________|GmbH__________________|__________|__________|___________|__________| |____5_____|B&C_Holding_GmbH______|____3_____|__________|___________|__________| | |B&C | | | | | | 6 |Beteiligungsmanagement| 5 | | | | |__________|GmbH__________________|__________|__________|___________|__________| | 7 |Austrowaren | 6 | | | | |__________|HandelsgmbH___________|__________|__________|___________|__________| | 8 |B&C Kratos Holding | 7 | | 4,18 %| 4,18 %| |__________|GmbH__________________|__________|__________|___________|__________| |____9_____|B&C_Phi_Holding_GmbH__|____8_____|____4,18_%|___________|____4,18_%| 9. In case of proxy voting Date of general meeting: - Voting rights after general meeting: - is equivalent to - voting rights. 10. Sonstige Kommentare: [Courtesy translation into English from German original:] B&C Industrieholding GmbH has contributed the participation in the B&C Phi Holding GmbH held by it to B&C Kratos Holding GmbH. Due to this contribution, the chain of controlled undertakings with regard to the 859,199 voting rights (corresponds to around 4.18% of the share capital and voting rights) in Semperit Aktiengesellschaft Holding held directly by B&C Phi Holding GmbH has changed. In a next step, the assets of B&C Phi Holding GmbH will be transferred to the present sole shareholder, B&C Kratos Holding GmbH, in the course of an intragroup merger. Due to this merger, the 859,199 voting rights (corresponds to around 4.18% of the share capital and voting rights) in Semperit Aktiengesellschaft Holding held directly by B&C Phi Holding GmbH will be transferred. After implementation of the merger, the B&C Kratos Holding GmbH will hold 859,199 voting rights (corresponds to around 4.18% of the share capital and voting rights) in Semperit Aktiengesellschaft Holding. B&C Phi Holding GmbH will be deleted with the merger and hold no more voting rights in Semperit Aktiengesellschaft Holding. Notice is hereby given of the voting rights affected by this merger pursuant to Section 131 of the Austrian Stock Exchange Act 2018. Pursuant to Section 133 (4) of the Austrian Stock Exchange Act 2018, a total of 11,145,917 voting rights (corresponds to around 54.18% of the share capital and voting rights) in Semperit Aktiengesellschaft Holding remain attributable to B&C Privatstiftung via its indirect subsidiaries B&C Semperit Holding GmbH and B&C Phi Holding GmbH. [German original:] Die B&C Industrieholding GmbH hat die von ihr gehaltene Beteiligung an der B&C Phi Holding GmbH in die B&C Kratos Holding GmbH eingebracht. Aufgrund dieser Einbringung hat sich die Kette der kontrollierten Unternehmen im Hinblick auf die von der B&C Phi Holding GmbH direkt gehaltenen 859.199 Stimmrechte (entspricht rund 4,18% des Aktienkapitals und der Stimmrechte) an der Semperit Aktiengesellschaft Holding geändert. In einem nächsten Schritt soll im Zuge einer gruppeninternen Verschmelzung das Vermögen der B&C Phi Holding GmbH auf ihre nunmehrige Alleingesellschafterin, die B&C Kratos Holding GmbH übertragen werden. Aufgrund dieser Verschmelzung werden die von der B&C Phi Holding GmbH direkt gehaltenen 859.199 Stimmrechte (entspricht rund 4,18% des Aktienkapitals und der Stimmrechte) an der Semperit Aktiengesellschaft Holding auf die B&C Kratos Holding GmbH übertragen werden. Nach Durchführung dieser Verschmelzung wird die B&C Kratos Holding GmbH 859.199 Stimmrechte (entspricht rund 4,18% des Aktienkapitals und der Stimmrechte) an der Semperit Aktiengesellschaft Holding halten. Die B&C Phi Holding GmbH wird mit der Verschmelzung gelöscht werden und keine Stimmrechte mehr an der Semperit Aktiengesellschaft Holding halten. Die von dieser Verschmelzung betroffenen Stimmrechte werden hiermit gemäß § 131 BörseG 2018 bekanntgegeben. Der B&C Privatstiftung sind unverändert, über ihre indirekten Tochtergesellschaften B&C Semperit Holding GmbH und B&C Phi Holding GmbH, gemäß § 133 Z 4 BörseG 2018 insgesamt 11.145.917 Stimmrechte (entspricht rund 54,18% des Aktienkapitals und der Stimmrechte) an der Semperit Aktiengesellschaft Holding zuzurechnen. Wien am 30.5.2018 Further inquiry note: Monika Riedel Director Group Communications & Sustainability +43 676 8715 8620 monika.riedel@semperitgroup.com Stefan Marin Head of Investor Relations Tel.: +43 676 8715 8210 stefan.marin@semperitgroup.com www.semperitgroup.com end of announcement euro adhoc -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Attachments with Announcement: ---------------------------------------------- http://resources.euroadhoc.com/documents/15/6/10160405/1/2018-06-01_Semperit_Beteiligungsmeldung_EN.pdf issuer: Semperit AG Holding Modecenterstrasse 22 A-1030 Wien phone: +43 1 79 777-210 FAX: +43 1 79 777-602 mail: stefan.marin@semperitgroup.com WWW: www.semperitgroup.com ISIN: AT0000785555 indexes: WBI, ATX PRIME, ATX GP stockmarkets: Wien language: English
Original content of: Semperit AG Holding, transmitted by news aktuell