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FOGTEC Brandschutz GmbH

Fire Protection in the Eurotunnel
Fogtec Water Mist Extinguishing Technology to Protect "Le Shuttle" Heavy Goods Carrier Trains

Cologne, Germany (ots)

Eurotunnel operators are going to attach
still more importance to safety. The first part of the freight trains
carrying "piggyback" lorries between Great Britain and France is
being provided with water mist fire extinguishing technology from
Fogtec Brandschutz. The eight trains, each 800 metres long, will thus
dispose of the most up-to-date fire protection system in a European
railway tunnel.
18th November 1996: This day marked the beginning of a new era for
the Eurotunnel operators. The fire which had started on the cargo
platform of a lorry spread over to other vehicles within few minutes
long before the French fire brigade could get to the fire after
twenty minutes. 60 million GBP had to be paid by the insurance
company for both the damage in the tunnel and the loss of earnings.
It took about six months to remedy the damage to the tunnel caused by
the fire, as cables and electric conduits in the railway tube had
been scorched completely over a length of 100 metres, cracks had
formed in the concrete roof. Even the rails had been affected.
As a consequence of the heavy fire accident, the tunnel operators
decided to develop a system that is capable of fighting a lorry fire
immediately after it has started. Only then can the risk of the fire
spreading over to other vehicles be minimised and the fire be kept
under control until the fire brigade arrives. After a comparatively
short time it became evident that the new fire protection system
inside the Eurotunnel necessarily had to be a water mist system. Gas
extinguishing systems were no option because of the open honeycomb
structure of the wagons. The amount of water that would be needed by
a conventional deluge system could not be carried on a train.
Detailed press information, Eurotunnel statements, photos and
diagrams for downloading are available in the internet:
Should you have any questions, feel free to contact our public
relations agency: 
   Weber Projekt GmbH, Anne Weber-Ploemacher, Unterbruch 82, D-47877
Willich, Phone + 49-2154-81070, Fax + 49-2154-810720, e-mail:
ots Original Text Service: FOGTEC Brandschutz GmbH & Co.KG
FOGTEC Brandschutz GmbH & Co.KG
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