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Freudenberg Group completes portfolio restructuring

Weinheim (ots)

At the beginning of 2004, the Freudenberg
Group completed a far-reaching reorientation of its portfolio,
according to the report presented by Dr. Peter Bettermann, Speaker of
the Management Board of Freudenberg & Co., at this year's annual
press conference of the Group in Weinheim. Over the past five years,
the Group has disposed of companies with annual sales totaling some
400 million Euro. The Group is no longer active in shoe production or
trading or in leather production, the business activities that
dominated the first half of Freudenberg's 155-year history. In
addition, the entire business of Freudenberg Technischer Handel has
been disposed of to the Brammer Group.
Dr. Betterman reported: "It is gratifying to note that internal
growth within the Group has been almost sufficient to compensate for
the reduction in sales as a result of disinvestment. The acquisitions
which we have now completed will lead to strong growth in sales." The
acquisitions, in the fields of seal technology, nonwovens, household
products and specialties, have reinforced the core business areas of
the Group and represent strong sales of about 500 million Euro which
will, for the most part, not affect the balance sheet until the
current financial year.
Balance sheet strength maintained / Moody's confirms A 3 rating
Following the acquisitions, the traditional strength of the
Freudenberg balance sheet is still maintained and the equity ratio
remains above 40 percent. This was confirmed by Moody's Investors
Service, which renewed its "A 3 stable" rating for Freudenberg at the
beginning of May 2004. Moody's assesses the leading position of the
Group on niche markets and its balanced global presence just as
positively as its conservative balance sheet structure, its strong
cash flow and its continuous, steady, organic growth.
Three percent growth in adjusted sales
In the 2003 financial year, the sales of the Freudenberg Group
fell slightly, by 1.3 percent, to 3.87 billion Euro in nominal terms.
This decline was mainly due to changes in the US dollar/Euro exchange
rate and almost solely concerned North America. Adjusted for the
effects of currency fluctuations, acquisitions and disinvestments,
sales grew by 109 million Euro or three percent. The fall in
consolidated profit to 93 million Euro (2002: 137 million Euro) was
chiefly due to currency effects, high restructuring expenses at the
Weinheim site and upfront costs and integration expenses in
connection with major acquisitions. Cash flow from operating
activities amounted to 267 million Euro. As in previous years, cash
flow from operating activities was sufficient to cover investments,
including the acquisitions. As of year-end 2003, the equity ratio was
43 percent.
Further improvements in health and safety
A significant success in 2003 was the further reduction in the
accident rate (notifiable accidents per 1,000 associates) from 14.1
in 2002 to 10.7 in 2003. This 24-percent reduction was chiefly the
result of the "We all take care" initiative, intended to encourage
health and safety projects at all sites of the Freudenberg Group, to
heighten health and safety awareness in accordance with the Group's
Guiding Principle of "Responsibility" and to cut accident rates still
further. 274 projects were entered for the prizes available as part
of the initiative. The main prize was awarded to Korea Vilene Company
for its "Daily safety-man" project. In this project, one associate is
appointed safety manager for the day every day. The task of those
appointed is to identify unsafe machines, unsafe working conditions
and unsafe behavior on the part of associates and to ensure that such
problems are remedied. In 2003, health and safety expenditure at
Freudenberg doubled, reaching about 15 million Euro.
Two new business groups
In 2003, a number of major investments were completed, while
preparations were made for others. Freudenberg reinforced its
Nonwovens Business Area by acquiring the entire business of the
former Freudenberg Politex Joint Venture in Italy, the market leader
in polyester-based roofing materials. Freudenberg Household Products
became the market leader for mechanical household cleaning products
in the USA through the acquisition of O'Cedar and also acquired the
laundry care division of Hailo, substantially strengthening its
position in the sector. OKS of Munich, another company acquired by
Freudenberg, specializes in lubricants for maintenance and ideally
complements the business of Klüber Lubrication. Together with US
release agent specialist Chem-Trend, taken over at the beginning of
2004, these two companies now form the new Freudenberg Chemical
Specialities Business Group, with sales of 375 million Euro and about
2,000 associates. Another new business group is Burgmann Industries,
established following the acquisition of the mechanical seals,
compensators and automotive divisions of Burgmann Dichtungswerke in
Wolfratshausen at the beginning of 2004. Outside Germany, Burgmann
Industries cooperates closely with Japanese mechanical seals producer
Eagle Industry. The new business group has a workforce of about 3,300
and annual sales of almost 300 million Euro.
Significant increase in the workforce
Freudenberg is an internationally oriented family company with a
broad range of products spanning seals and vibration control
components, nonwovens, mechanical household cleaning products,
specialty lubricants and release agents. The main customer groups are
the automobile and investment goods industries (seal and vibration
control technology, acoustic and vibration control, car interiors and
filters) and the textile industry (interlinings, technical textiles).
The Group also has a presence on the final user market with vileda(R)
brand household products and nora(R) brand rubber floorcoverings. The
Group consists of more than 300 companies in 54 countries. As of the
end of 2003, 28,479 persons were employed by Freudenberg, 786 more
than the year before. Including the newly acquired companies (as of
April 2004), Freudenberg has a total of about 32,000 associates
throughout the world, including 12,491 (2003: 11,375) in Germany.
ots Original Text Service: Freudenberg & Co. KG
For further information, please contact:
Wolfgang Orians
Freudenberg & Co.
Corporate Communications
Phone:    +49 (0) 6201-80 66 16
Fax:      +49 (0) 6201-88 34 30

Original content of: Freudenberg & Co. Kommanditgesellschaft, transmitted by news aktuell

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  • 26.02.2004 – 14:36

    Freudenberg forms new Chemical Specialities Business Group

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