ots Ad hoc-Service: Direkt Anlage Bank AG <DE0005072300> DAB signs up expert on banking law to join its top board
Munich (ots Ad hoc-Service) -
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Germany's first Discount Broker extends its management team to include attorney-at-law von Uslar
Direkt Anlage Bank AG (DAB), Munich, has appointed an acknowledged expert on banking law, Alexander Freiherr von Uslar-Gleichen, aged 33, to the position of Senior General Manager effective as of June 1, 2000.
The Munich-based lawyer will be leaving the renowned law Firm BBLP Beiten Burkhardt Mittl & Wegener, Munich to join the Management Board of DAB, where he will be responsible for the Finance Management Division. Von Uslar already knows the Discount Broker DAB very well: since as early as 1998 ne has been advising and assisting DAB in all matters relating to banking and company law. At its IPO in November last year, he acted as legal consultant to the bank.
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