ots Ad hoc-Service: Direkt Anlage Bank AG <DE0005072300> DAB posts further growth in revenues and profits
Munich (ots Ad hoc-Service) -
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DAB posts further growth in revenues and profits
With 3rd quarter 2000 revenues of over EUR 49 million and pre-tax profit of EUR 4.5 million, Direkt Anlage Bank AG remains on growth path .
Direkt Anlage Bank AG, Munich (DAB) achieved profits before tax of EUR 4.5 million in the 3rd quarter 2000 (up EUR 5.2 million year to year). In total, from January to September 2000 DAB recorded revenues of EUR 136.5 million (up 278 per cent year on year). dab's revenues in the third quarter came to EUR 49.8 million (up 243 percent year to year) and pre-tax profit ex-marketing to EUR 10.6 million (up EUR 10.8 million year to year).
Total revenues in the third quarter comprise gross commission income of EUR 36.8 million, net interest income of EUR 11.1 million and other operating income of EUR 1.9 million. Total operating expenses were EUR 45.3 million including EUR 6.1 million for marketing.
At the end of the 3nd quarter 2000, DAB was managing 330,101 securities accounts, up 226 percent over the year-ago quarter. Total customer assets under management came to EUR 12.9 billion at the end of the quarter (up 148 percent over the 3rd quarter of 1999) of which mutual funds comprised EUR 5.1 billion (up 155 percent year to year). The number of securities transactions rose to 1.57 million (up 214 percent over the 3rd quarter of 1999).
The full report on the 3rd quarter 2000 results can be downloaded from the website at: www.dabstock.com.
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