Deutsche Energie-Agentur GmbH (dena)
Energy Efficiency Award 2020: dena launches latest round of competition
Berlin (ots)
Entries in four categories can be submitted from now on/search is on for successful projects and pioneering concepts/prize money totalling EUR30,000 available
The Deutsche Energie-Agentur (dena) - the German Energy Agency - is looking for successful formulas to reduce companies' energy consumption and emissions that have an impact on the climate. They will present the best ideas with the Energy Efficiency Award 2020. Private and public organisations are therefore invited to submit their projects and concepts in digital form at by 15 June 2020.
The Energy Efficiency Award is mainly focused on making more efficient use of energy resources in industry and reducing emissions, and thereby acts as a stimulus for the energy transition.
Endowed with a total of EUR30,000 in prize money, the Energy Efficiency Award is funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi). Its patron is the Federal Minister for Economic Affairs, Peter Altmaier.
The competition's four categories
Companies of any size and from any industry in Germany or abroad can submit one or more competition entries in the following four categories:
Think Big! Complex energy efficiency projects For a long time, companies have been implementing multi-layered energy efficiency projects where a large number of measures have to be coordinated with one another. Here systematic thinking and integrated solutions are being sought.
From clever to digital The broad spectrum of energy efficiency In this category, low-investment measures are being sought just as much as mature technologies, or digitally supported optimisation using software solutions or artificial intelligence, e.g. as part of an energy management system.
Achieving more together Energy Services as enabler of the energy transition The involvement of service providers is particularly useful where ambitious ideas hit up against limited finances, resources or lack of expertise. Such involvement can range from conception, planning and implementation of a system to finance, system control and maintenance.
Concepts for carbon neutral companies:Innovative ideas and new approaches for a green economy The energy transition needs innovative ideas. Companies that pursue new approaches to reduce their energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions, or conceive the energy transition in cross-sectoral and cross-system terms (or in integrated, holistic terms), can submit their concepts for the Energy Efficiency Audience Award. The concept should demonstrate conclusively which concrete measures should be used to increase energy efficiency and/or reduce emissions in industry, as well as impress the jury by their innovation and market maturity.
All the energy efficiency projects and concepts entered for the competition will be assessed by a jury of experts according to the criteria of energy saving, relevance to climate protection, cost-effectiveness, level of innovation and transferability. A shortlist of the nominated projects will be published at the beginning of October 2020. Dena will present the awards to the prize winners in November 2020.
All information on free entry, the online application form, answers to frequently asked questions and information on previous years' prize winners can be found at
Press Contact:
The German Energy Agency (Deutsche Energie-Agentur GmbH, dena), Tom Raulien, Chausseestrasse 128 a, 10115 Berlin Tel: +49 (0)30 66 777-652; fax: +49 (0)30 66 777-699; e-mail:; website:
Original content of: Deutsche Energie-Agentur GmbH (dena), transmitted by news aktuell