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New management structure at TUI AG Smaller executive board, more streamlined operative management

Hanover (ots)

The TUI Group has restructured its management
level as part of its efficiency enhancement programme.
According to the new structure, all central and Group-wide
platform functions will be run by the TUI AG central executive board
consisting of four instead of seven directors.
The market-related management functions, which are largely run by
decentralised country organisations, will in future be the
responsibility of divisional directors who are in most cases directly
in charge of their operative units.
The future TUI AG central executive board:
Michael Frenzel: executive board chairman
Rainer Feuerhake: Finance
Peter Engelen: Human Resources
Sebastian Ebel: Tourism Platforms
The management of the source markets divided up into three regions
will in future be the responsibility of the following divisional
Volker Böttcher: Source Market Central (Germany, Austria, 
Switzerland, Poland) -  also managing director of TUI Deutschland
Peter Rothwell: Source Market North (UK, Sweden, Denmark, Norway,
Ireland) - also CEO TUI Northern Europe
also president of Nouvelles Frontières
Helmut Stodieck, a former member of the TUI AG executive board
continues to be responsible as a divisional director for
Commenting on these changes, Michael Frenzel said: "This new
management structure is another logical step in implementing our
strategic business model which includes the Group-level control of
pan-source-market platform functions (Airlines, Hotels, Incoming) in
addition to central functions, whilst placing responsibility for each
country in the hands of the source markets."
As part of the management restructuring, Ralf Corsten and Mr
Gurassa step down from the TUI executive board.
After ten successful years at TUI, and the successful
reorganisation and integration of Nouvelles Frontières, Ralf Corsten
has transferred his operative responsibilities to has staff. He will
support the company in future at a consulting level with regard to
the further development of the hotel platform.
Charles Gurassa, former CEO Thomson Travel Group which was
acquired by TUI, became a member of the TUI AG executive board after
the takeover. He very successfully integrated the Thomson Group
within the TUI Group and built up TUI Airline Management.
The new TUI Group management structure comes into effect on 1 June
ots Original Text Service: TUI AG
Dr. Kay Baden, Telephon +49(0)511 566-1417
Nikolai Juchem, Telephon +49(0)511 566-1456

Original content of: TUI AG, transmitted by news aktuell

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