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Wienerberger AG

ots Ad hoc-Service: Wienerberger Baustoffind. <AT0000831706> First Six Months 2000 (German version below)

Vienna (ots Ad hoc-Service) -

The sender is solely responsible for the contents of this
Wienerberger Press Release -
First Six Months 2000 (German version below)
Directed expansion of the building materials portfolio and a wide
range of optimization measures made the first six months of 2000
highly successful for Wienerberger. While sales rose by 41% to EUR
840.2 million, EBIT increased by an even higher 66% to EUR 133.9
million. Growth in the building materials segment was particularly
strong; sales increased by 45% to EUR 731.9 million and EBIT by 103%
to EUR 99.0 million.
in EUR million             1-6/1999   1-6/2000    Change in %
Sales                        594.8          840.2     +41
EBITDA                       136.5          209.0     +53
EBITA                         82.7          140.8     +70
EBIT (Operating Profit)       80.8          133.9     +66
EBIT Margin in %              13.6           15.9       -
Profit before tax             78.7          118.2     +50
Net income                    61.8           94.4     +53
Capital expenditures and     168.3          176.9      +5
EVA                           21.2           43.5    >100
The largest increase in sales was registered in our key growth
region, the markets of East Europe, with 46% to EUR 128.0 million.
Strong performance was also recorded in our newest market, the USA,
which generated sales of EUR 149.1 million during the first six
months of this year. With a contribution of 18% to sales, North
America has become one of the main markets for Wienerberger products
in the course of a year. Developments in Germany, however, failed to
meet expectations. Price and volume increases remained below forecast
because of stagnation in new construction and continuing excess
capacity in the new provinces.
For the 2000 business year, we expect excellent performance in
East Europe and the USA to support a decisive improvement in earning
power in spite of unexpectedly demanding market conditions,
especially in Germany, and a sharp rise in energy costs. We also see
considerable potential in the connection of the old and new
economies, and opportunities offered by new technologies through the
Internet. For this reason, we have founded an E-Competence Center,
which will be responsible for the coordination and development of
E-business activities in the Wienerberger Group.
For detailed information and download of the interim financial
statements, visit our website: or contact:
Wienerberger Baustoffindustrie AG Thomas Melzer, Investor
Relations Officer Tel.: +43 (1) 60192-471 (463) E-Mail:

Original content of: Wienerberger AG, transmitted by news aktuell

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    ots Ad hoc-Service: Wienerberger Baustoffind. <AT0000831706>

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    ots Ad hoc-Service: Wienerberger Baustoffind. <AT0000831706>

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